Have I f#cked em up & mutilated em??


Well-Known Member
its turned into a hermi with the looks of it pics not good could do with better pics for proper diagn


Active Member
I thought you shouldn't play around with auto's due to their auto flowering genetics and they should just be allowed to grow naturally. Not 100% sure though, not really looked into auto's too much. Cant really see the pic in enough detail to see what you have done.


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the replys .There still growing well so hopefully all will be OK( fingers crossed!)/Compared to my first attempt at growing,this times far better & stems are far thicker & plants healthy & green( sorted better area to put grow tent & ventilation seems to have done the trick,).1 member gave me good tips regarding air flow & all input is great from all & appreciated


Well-Known Member
The pics are pretty blurry for me... Can u take better ones?

Your really not supposed to top or fim autos due to their short grow time. Ive topped an auto or two (very early in their growth though) and they came out fine.


Well-Known Member
Have to agree with the majority, shouldn't do anything to an auto unless its extremely early on. They'll be fine and still produce but perhaps not as much as now they're busy repairing as well as preparing for flower. If I'm not mistaken, most autos are approx. 70 days +/- 10 days, start to finish.


Well-Known Member
What nutes are you using?
None at present the bio biz soil has enough mutes for the first 3 & half weeks.I tried out transplanting 2 of them just to see how it would go.I fed em roughly around 15 the June.My 2nd attempt at growing.There autos..I suppose trial & error & you learn summit new every day !!


Well-Known Member
Really wow thanks. I was kinda worried that I would kill em but a guy I know on here has done fim topping on autos so I trusted his word lol..
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Well-Known Member
my advice...u ll get seeds out f it ..n nxt grow when u find a female ...keep dat n take clones frm it..so u hav a endless supply of autos...