Have taproots but will not sprout.


I ordered some seeds from a uk seed bank. The seeds were shipped quickly and I had them in 5 days. Which was impressive since I ordered them on Memorial Day weekend. Out of the 14 seeds almost all got taproots but none have sprouted. I recently took the peatcups and put them in small ziploc bags and place them in a shoebox to block light. Still no sprouts and it has been 10 days since i noticed taproots. Any help I would greatly appreciate before I spend more money on more seeds. The type of seeds are Holland's Hope, Pineapple Express, Gigabud and quicksilver auto flowering.


Well-Known Member
quote-"Out of the 14 seeds almost all got taproots but none have sprouted"
what do you mean? To me taproots means they sprouted. Did you put them in soil? Once you see tap roots you need to get them into your medium not into a baggie? You should germinate your seeds IN your soil. Any other method requiring multiple steps just leaves too much room for error.
Here is a recent thread on the topic > https://www.rollitup.org/newbie-central/202354-starting-seeds-problem-pics.html


Yes I put them in soil and nothing happened after a week. So I removed some dirt and looked at them. They have taproots so I covered them back up and put them in ziploc bags trying to speed them up.


Well-Known Member
Ok well they're probably dead then. It doesn't take that long. I turn seeds into plants in 3 or 4 days. You should put your seeds directly into your soil and add water. That is all you need to do. You've been messing with them too much. You must have done somthing wrong when transferrring them to soil. Thats why I don't recommend doing it that way. They should have come up the next day, or 2 at most. Practice with some bagseed before you buy seeds again. I thought that was standard procedure lol. Grow bagseed first to learn.
So if they have any chance at all get em in the dirt, yesterday!