Have you ever found weed?


Well-Known Member
Couple of years ago i was walking home, i lived way across town from my mates and it sucked ass. I'd had absolutely no money for weeks and hardly any food, basically all i had was a roof over my head and a little bit of tobacco, it was a pretty shitty few months (although it could've been a lot worse). couldn't even afford the bus so i walked like 2 hours home and jst as i was turning onto my street what should i spot at the side of the pavement but a little baggy. grabbed it and kept walking cause there were a few people about but when i got back i checked it out, about a quarter of nice stoney smoke. it wasn't totally dry but getting good dry weed round there was pretty much impossible at the time anyway. It was easily the best thing that happened to me during that few months, specially since when i got home my flatmate had left some beer in the fridge for me. Sweet.
Also found a massive ball of hash in the back of a taxi another time, it was pretty poor smoke but free's free!

I've also lost my fair share of drugs so i feel the cosmic balance sheet is even.


Well-Known Member
I once found a whole ounce of some real primo bud in a bathroom stall at a philles game. Needless to say my friends and I hot boxed our car the whole way home :bigjoint:

naked gardener

Active Member
Once, I found a zip in a shoe box in the back of my closet from a grow about 4 mo before.....pretty brittle--but still actually cured okay and was still dank

I guess it wasn't a huge score, since it was my own bud to begin with, but I was moving and had no cash and very little herb--so it was like winning the lottery


Well-Known Member
one night i was on my way back from my girls house on my bike. I pull up to a stop light and look down and low an behold there is a lil under a quarter of nugs just sittin next to my foot. i scooped that shit up real quick got home an took a look at it an whoo it was dank. lime green lil nugs mm hmm i got blazed for like the next four days for free!!

naked gardener

Active Member
I continuously find little nugs in my bathroom. I'm pretty sure my dog takes them in there.

LOL! I wouldn't doubt it--my dog always tries to get into my ganj....the other night, I thought it was my husband getting into my stuff in the middle of the night, I woke up and said "what are you doing?"--AND IT WAS MY DOG. Had a jar sitting on a tupperware, and she knocked it off, nosing around...again


Well-Known Member
about 10 years ago while still in high school I was at the convience store tapping shoulder for someone to buy me smokes. A guy pulls up in a nice lexus get out and a oz bag fall out of the car he must have had it on his lap. I quickly scooped it and ran like a mother!
Hah, thats priceless i would have done the same thing.

I remember a few years ago when i was around 16 i was inside this convenience store which wasnt in the best neighborhood. To be honest i didnt even wanna go inside but my dad wanted to talk to one of his old friends who owns the shop. I was walking around dragging my feet, and i saw a baggy with something inside. I scooped it right up, and damn was i surprised. It was about 4 grams of some mids. I just stuffed it down my pocket and walked away, It was some good stuff.


Well-Known Member
i have dropped nugs trying to roll a blunt and drive at the same time. you have no idea how many times i have found weed under my seat. lol.

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
My friend gave me his desk. When I was going through it several months later I found a full 1/8th in it. Not the best smoke, but we shared it and couldn't have been happier.