Haven Some Issues w/ 1st time cut cuttings


Active Member
I will post some pics as well. but to start
They have been in this tote for going on 3 weeks now.
the 2 larger clones rooted much faster.expected
the second 2 are not rooting to well.
my water pump i had in there failed on me and i dont have a new one
The new growth has become very yellow. first thoughts they needed nutes so i gave them 1/4 of shultz 10-15-10 been 3 days with little improvement. What am i doing wrong here?
also noticed some of the newer leaves are starten to get those rust dots on the leaves.
and ALL the original growth of the cuttings is dieing.
ugh just relised the computer i am on does not have any of the pictures on it so here is a link to a older thread of mine.


Active Member
Here are those pictures. can anyone help out with whats wrong? ph right now is at 6.6 and the ppm was around 50.

All 4 of them started very close to the same size. the front 2 where always abit smaller. but i guess this is showing the difference it takes for smaller and abit larger cuttings to root.

Does anyone got an idea what im doing wrong?



Active Member
well just got home from work and found my plants looking like this!!! whats the problem. i checked my Ph and it is good i also used my ppm meter and it read around 250.. i think this is something that needs urgent attention. seems to have fast symptoms



Well-Known Member
bro i think your clones have too many leaves on them. Theyre trying to feed the leaves and they cant cuz they have no root system. Last time i cloned it tuk 8 days for ALL 6 clones to root. It was also my first time so i was very happpy.i would suggest keeping only one node, or about 4 leaves and if theyre too big then just cut them a little shorter. Also, was your mother in veg or flower? if in flower it takes time and energy, which you cant provide, to revert back to veg.


Well-Known Member
just noticed you got bottles in the res. just make sure that the temp in the res is a little warmer than the air outside. you want more root activity and less transppiration


Active Member
those root pictures are actualy quit old now. i no longer need the bottles in the water. and the root systems on the 2 larger plants has gotten very large