some shots of kkday's garden. first picture is a teaser, you have to open the thumbnails to see the rest.... enjoy!!
I'd blow up all the pictures but it takes forever for a page to load if I did that.Healthy looking plants!!
Big pictures are better!
.....the light of the moon never effects the photo periodhow much does the moon when "FULL" affect the photo period for outdoor growers?
LOL!!! ya, it's up at tantalus......Tell me this is up Tantalus....
Cause it has nitrogen. And why would it taste bad? You don't piss on the leaves and buds, you piss on the ground. And ain't fertilizer animal piss and shit anyway???So Doc?! How does piss make your plant change color?? Would it not be a horrible taste??
it's not greenhorn piss, it's kkday piss.dr can I can bottel that and sell it in my shop. Dr greenhorn Piss will go great with my new line Puanani juice for a fertilizer!!!
Just got my Hanna pH combo tester (98130)
Holy Crap!!! Tap water is 8.02 pH.....
Also I checked the chemical ph indicator (kind with color strip)... and it was off by 1.0 point....
I checked a batch of water that I thought I had gotten down to 5.9...... It was 6.7 ??????
As Puna Bud suggested earlier... It's a great investment!~!!!
if your talking about the emerald forrest, those plants aren't mine, they are kkdays. if you wanna see me plants, you gotta go to my journal.sweet !!!!!
greenhorn !!!? what soil did ya use for those awesome plants ya got there mate??
Yeah bro, Im always up Tantalus, You ever heard of T-Time 4:20? You not the only greenthumb on the Touge....
Yeah bro, Im always up Tantalus, You ever heard of T-Time 4:20? You not the only greenthumb on the Touge....