Hawaii Growers


Well-Known Member
Guy's thanks for your input, I do use super soil. I checked my super soil’s Ph’s and it in the 5.3 range, but the plants go fuck-o- before they go into the super soil so I might have two problems…lol..my super soil will get a few extra scoops of lime and Epsom salt for good measure and naturally I’ll do the same to the remaining with the Roots 707 and see what happens….Moving forward I’m going to load up on “Black Gold” and amend it accordingly and see what happens. Good thing about having problems is you learn something.

Cooter use the chart on the right side of the graphic below:
View attachment 1864884
That's awesome Sheck! i'll be putting this chart to good use


Active Member
chodes 012.jpgchodes 003.jpgLooks like we have a few rain delays coming up ...big island they say is gunna get hammered ... time cover the hoop hizzzzies lol

chodes 008.jpg


Well-Known Member
Here’s a few shot of the KO Kush, I started the germination process on 27th 9 out of 10 popped within 36 hours. The little farts were put into 16 oz solo cups filled with lovely Black Gold potting mix, I usually do a 50/50 mix coco to Black Gold but I didn’t have any coco and I had really great experiences using BG as a seedling mix . Yesterday was the first day the sprouts broke through the potting mix and they seem to have a little vigor early on hopefully the vigor continues….cheehooo!



Well-Known Member
its not her bro sorry ..i hope ur just kiddn lol..shes a tanker in real life ... im saddened that she wont come correct because i happen to like the fuel that tanker carrries ..if you catch my drift ...no pun intended.
Hahaha no it is not me, but who is this pepperbelly talking like they know me???


Active Member
Here’s a few shot of the KO Kush, I started the germination process on 27th 9 out of 10 popped within 36 hours. The little farts were put into 16 oz solo cups filled with lovely Black Gold potting mix, I usually do a 50/50 mix coco to Black Gold but I didn’t have any coco and I had really great experiences using BG as a seedling mix . Yesterday was the first day the sprouts broke through the potting mix and they seem to have a little vigor early on hopefully the vigor continues….cheehooo!

those babies are submerged eh ...wow ..how long did you dunk em for? ...btw ... loving the wax crescent !


Well-Known Member
Hahaha no it is not me, but who is this pepperbelly talking like they know me???
Didn't you accidentally post a shot of your plants where we could see your underwear clad reflection in the mirror??..... I remember cause somebody like Cooter or Pepper was getting a microchubby over the ordeal ;)

Watch all the pervs go back and look for that picture!


Active Member
Didn't you accidentally post a shot of your plants where we could see your underwear clad reflection in the mirror??..... I remember cause somebody like Cooter or Pepper was getting a microchubby over the ordeal ;)

Watch all the pervs go back and look for that picture!
i'll let cooter answer this one ...lol ...i used the tanker term as in loaded with all the assests of a good gal !


Well-Known Member
its not her bro sorry ..i hope ur just kiddn lol..shes a tanker in real life ... im saddened that she wont come correct because i happen to like the fuel that tanker carrries ..if you catch my drift ...no pun intended.
What does this mean????????????????? How do you know anything if you don't know me as you said "in real life" ?????