Heady Intention's 2013 SWAMP GUERRILLA GROW

By the way...

Does anyone know the correct way to clone in rockwool? I have another thread going on another site concerning this but nobody seems to have the same answer. A few of my unanswered questions include:

RO water? or TAP water?

pH to 5.5? or don't pH?

use rooting gel or powder? (not sure if this one actually matters)

add seaweed/superthrive/additives? or keep it clean?

use any heat mats/domes? (my room is about 60 degrees) or not?

RO water? or TAP water?

I like to use tap water. Whether your grow is organic or not, the bleaches in the water help keep harmful bacterias away.

pH to 5.5? or don't pH?

Kind of like germinating. There's no need to PH the water unless it's way out of range (under 5 or over 7.5). However, since you're using rockwool it's best to soak it for at least 12 hours to make sure the PH is the same as the water.

use rooting gel or powder? (not sure if this one actually matters)

I think it's best to use a gel or powder with rockwool. But it's not necessary.

add seaweed/superthrive/additives? or keep it clean?

K.I.S.S. (no) Maaaaaaaybe a foliar with a little kelp a few days after you cut them. If anything.

use any heat mats/domes? (my room is about 60 degrees) or not?

Yes. Heat helps. A lot.

Also, some people reccomend 24/0 light cycle. I find 18/6 allows them time to rest and to root much quicker.

HOWEVER... I would recommend building a small bubble cloner. You don't need rooting gel or powder. You don't need to keep buying rockwool. You can put just put your cuttings in neoprene inserts (they look like little hockey pucks), then re-use them when you're done. Also, rockwool is more prone to mold, fungus and high water retention which causes stem rot. Also in a bubble cloner you're mimicking DWC so you get the same explosive growth when the roots hit the water. I can probably think of at least 5 other solid reasons to pick a bubble cloner over rockwool, but of course rockwool does work perfectly for some people so I'm not gonna knock it either.
It's late as fuck, but you've been providing me with a load of information and while I'm too tired to respond to the previous posts right this minute I wanted to try and offer some useful information back your way. Hope it helps.

Also, I meant to mention, you can easily google: DIY bubble cloner
There's a ton of info on them. I'm about to make a new one myself. Perhaps I'll beat a dead horse and make a how-to thread on it, but with a fog-ponic twist.
i to am growing in a swamp this year, i have three out as of now, checked yesterday and there are allot of bug in the swamp lol so be carefull and good luck. ps stay dry lmao
i to am growing in a swamp this year, i have three out as of now, checked yesterday and there are allot of bug in the swamp lol so be carefull and good luck. ps stay dry lmao

Nice man! What kind of bugs do you speak of though? I live in the north east and so far on my watch list are slugs, ticks, and snakes (not a bug but I hate them haha). What are you dealin with where you live?

Good luck this year too man, goin with the swamp tube method as well?
Great thread man...I grow on several types of bogs but i find the floating bog to be the cats ass...set and forget be thy name of the game. Good luck to you and your grow.
Thanks homie!

What is a floating bog btw?

Thanks, goodluck to you too this season - gonna be a good one.

A floating bog is most often a layer of peatmoss that sits or floats ontop of a body of water...the water is held in place by a layer of clay that is about 12 - 18 inches below the soil line. the water level may rise up and down but it will never dry up...that is why a dig a hole about 1 foot down into the bog before i put up my tubes...they are the cats ass for this type of grow.


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Hell yeah homie, lookin nice!! I'm paranoid of falling through floors into the water below to be honest, so I gotta hand it to you for trecking into those bad boy bogs I like to call em lol. Be careful out there tho!

I like the chicken wire tubes btw, great minds think alike ;)

Ight so I decided to build an aero cloner similar to the E-Z cloner they sell in grow shops. This project was fun as fuck, I'll admit.

I grabbed the biggest tote I could find at Walmart, a 2'' circle drill bit, 40 neoprene inserts, 40 2'' net pots, a 1000 gph pump, 2 air stones with an air pump behind them, some pvc pieces and 25 360 degree misters. This is what she looks like:

40 site aerocloner

Misting... mechanism? Yeah I'll call it that lol

air stones - one on each side
air stones.jpg

Set up with pump turned off
mist off.jpg

pump turned on

This whole thing together costed me around $120

They sell the 30 site ez cloner for $300! Do yourself a favor and build these things yourself everyone, theyre so easy to build and it costs half the price; plus it's fun as hell to make. DIY aero cloners for the win!!

Aside from the cloner I'll be picking up my soil this Monday, buddy had to buy a new jeep so he couldn't help out this Tuesday (he has tuesdays off) so we're killin it this Tues instead. Wish us luck everyone! Stay smart out there...
A floating bog is most often a layer of peatmoss that sits or floats ontop of a body of water...the water is held in place by a layer of clay that is about 12 - 18 inches below the soil line. the water level may rise up and down but it will never dry up...that is why a dig a hole about 1 foot down into the bog before i put up my tubes...they are the cats ass for this type of grow.

those types of swamps are what i have always grown in we used to cut the bottoms out of rubbermaid trash cans(32 gallon size) and do that for big ass plants works great
Hell yea man! X nutes all the way! I'm gunna try mixing my own compost tea an see what a side by side against the x nutes will look like. Good luck this year man, happy growing!
Heady, when are you planting in the swamp? I am ready to plant tomorrow I think. I have like 30 plants in 7 gal and 3 gal buckets. Should start growing fast with the increased pot size, Osmocote and X Nutes. I am using the grow spray which should help too.