Health insurance Not the problem


Well-Known Member
we should be focused on lowering the COST of healthcare. that is the root of the problem. trying to fix how we get healthcare insurance is irrellavant when solving the problems of healthcare. if hospitals and doctors couldnt charge such rediculous prices , nobody would need health insurance (or at least they pay a fraction of what they do now) because we could all afford to pay our bills whenever we are sick/injured.
of course our government and hospitals do not want to do this. they want to keep us trapped in a cycle of giving them all our money. they would still be rediculously rich without all the insurance money they drain from EVERYONE.

im just tired of hearing people argue over healthcare this, make me buy insurance that. when that is not even the problem.


Well-Known Member
The problem is lifestyle, 1/3 of this country is obese....FACT. People need to eat less sugar and sodium (salt), go out for a walk at the local park or buy a bicycle and this mess would go away. I find fat people repulsive and have no sympathy for them whatsoever.


Well-Known Member
we should be focused on lowering the COST of healthcare. that is the root of the problem. trying to fix how we get healthcare insurance is irrellavant when solving the problems of healthcare. if hospitals and doctors couldnt charge such rediculous prices , nobody would need health insurance (or at least they pay a fraction of what they do now) because we could all afford to pay our bills whenever we are sick/injured.
of course our government and hospitals do not want to do this. they want to keep us trapped in a cycle of giving them all our money. they would still be rediculously rich without all the insurance money they drain from EVERYONE.

im just tired of hearing people argue over healthcare this, make me buy insurance that. when that is not even the problem.
I'm shocked (clutches chest)!!!!!!

This is the problem. Cost! I've been saying it all along! It's not just because doctors and nurses make so much though. It's a combination of factors. Lifestyle, as mentioned by fitch is a big factor. Have you been to a new hospital lately? I mean like 5 years old or newer? They are going to ridiculous lengths to get patients to have their bariatric surgery at their facility. There is a war going on between the hospitals and they are doing things like putting in waterfalls, coi ponds, ornate botanical gardens, staff chefs and 24 hour meals made to order, flatscreen tvs in every room, it's insane!!!! I mean, those things are nice but are they necessary? This is playing its role in driving cost. It is a complex problem and I honestly don't think anybody has the answers. If we start telling people they have to "stop smoking or else"..................."lose weight or else".....................then we trample on the rights of the individual. "Encouraging" healthy behaviors is a start I suppose. Not building obscenely expensive facilities would also help.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The problem is lifestyle, 1/3 of this country is obese....FACT. People need to eat less sugar and sodium (salt), go out for a walk at the local park or buy a bicycle and this mess would go away. I find fat people repulsive and have no sympathy for them whatsoever.
Agreed. Japans population has around 3-4 percent obesity rate. That's why they live longer. We're the best at keeping the unhealthy alive though, no doubt.


Well-Known Member
Yeah fuck you guys that hate on the fat peple.

I am fat and out lived the guy acroos the street that was a fitness nut.

He ran,biked,jogged and all the fun shit and died eating his lunch..So much for the being healthy bullshit.

Just like all the fucks who say if you smoke YOU will get cancer and if you drink your liver WILL go bad.

All a bunch of bullshit and scare tatics.

I work circles around the thin fucks i work with.

I am 45 and have been heavy most of my life,I got good blood pressure and all that jazz.

So in my opinion all this obese bullshit is exactly that bullshit.

So HEY FITCH303 FUCK YOU !!! You fucking waste of air.

Baja Rick

I think the bigger problem here in Ohio is all the ambulance chasers. I wonder how much litigation figures into problem


Well-Known Member
Yeah fuck you guys that hate on the fat peple.
I am fat and out lived the guy acroos the street that was a fitness nut.
He ran,biked,jogged and all the fun shit and died eating his lunch..So much for the being healthy bullshit.
Just like all the fucks who say if you smoke YOU will get cancer and if you drink your liver WILL go bad.
All a bunch of bullshit and scare tatics.
I work circles around the thin fucks i work with.
I am 45 and have been heavy most of my life,I got good blood pressure and all that jazz.
So in my opinion all this obese bullshit is exactly that bullshit.
So HEY FITCH303 FUCK YOU you waste of air.
lmao so much for the mellow stoner
mindmelted it's not about you. One variable we do know that contributes to bad health is obesity.


New Member
Agreed, that Obesity in general is bad for ones health. The problem with being Obese is that changing ones lifestyle enough to lose the weight, is very draconian. As for the Japanese, they eat a shitload of fish, not much weight gain there. Problem with that, is fish supply. If everyone ate fish like the Japs, we clean out the ocean supply within a matter of a couple of years. It is alrteady getting scarce. Trying to get ones kids to eat healthy is a constant battle. For working moms and dads, sometimes a trip to McDonalds eases the workload. I do believe that kids taught to eat healthy while young, would probably eat healthier in adulthood, But as one fellow said, he's outlived some skinny people, the fitness nut accross the street dropped dead of a Heart attack. I try and eat healthy, but I actually don't like fish much, unless I catch it fresh.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, that Obesity in general is bad for ones health. The problem with being Obese is that changing ones lifestyle enough to lose the weight, is very draconian. As for the Japanese, they eat a shitload of fish, not much weight gain there. Problem with that, is fish supply. If everyone ate fish like the Japs, we clean out the ocean supply within a matter of a couple of years. It is alrteady getting scarce. Trying to get ones kids to eat healthy is a constant battle. For working moms and dads, sometimes a trip to McDonalds eases the workload. I do believe that kids taught to eat healthy while young, would probably eat healthier in adulthood, But as one fellow said, he's outlived some skinny people, the fitness nut accross the street dropped dead of a Heart attack. I try and eat healthy, but I actually don't like fish much, unless I catch it fresh.
they eat a lot of dolphin in japan also


Well-Known Member
Yeah fuck you guys that hate on the fat peple.

I am fat and out lived the guy acroos the street that was a fitness nut.

He ran,biked,jogged and all the fun shit and died eating his lunch..So much for the being healthy bullshit.

Just like all the fucks who say if you smoke YOU will get cancer and if you drink your liver WILL go bad.

All a bunch of bullshit and scare tatics.

I work circles around the thin fucks i work with.
What type of circles are we talking about here?

I am 45 and have been heavy most of my life,I got good blood pressure and all that jazz.

So in my opinion all this obese bullshit is exactly that bullshit.

So HEY FITCH303 FUCK YOU !!! You fucking waste of air.

Awwwwwwww does someone need some comfort food?


This was me getting carried away with things, we're even now :)


Well-Known Member
the way health insurance companies do business is a bit of a problem.

most of their expenses come from advertising and overhead related to advertising.

if ppl knew that health nsurance companies were more involved in public relations than with their health care.................. nevermind, a lot of people know, but they're so accoustomed to this being the way it is that they lack the will to demand change, and in fact, when change is proposed, they resist it.....


Well-Known Member
the way health insurance companies do business is a bit of a problem.

most of their expenses come from advertising and overhead related to advertising.

if ppl knew that health nsurance companies were more involved in public relations than with their health care.................. nevermind, a lot of people know, but they're so accoustomed to this being the way it is that they lack the will to demand change, and in fact, when change is proposed, they resist it.....

agreed :clap:, too many zombies out there...that believe what the media feeds them...:wall:



Baja Rick

the way health insurance companies do business is a bit of a problem.

most of their expenses come from advertising and overhead related to advertising.

if ppl knew that health nsurance companies were more involved in public relations than with their health care.................. nevermind, a lot of people know, but they're so

accoustomed to this being the way it is that they lack the will to demand change, and in fact, when change is proposed, they resist it.....
Seems funny that nobody brings up the law suits, and how they effect the cost of medical coverage.Most docs are just trying to keep from being sued for millions over misdiagnosing a common cold, or other such non issue.
In most cases people with the least amount of coverage demand the most attention from the doc and are the quickest to sue.
Some are just abusing the system to try and get a settelment.

I thinnk the reason they resist the change is because it's the fear of the unknown.


Well-Known Member
Seems funny that nobody brings up the law suits, and how they effect the cost of medical coverage.Most docs are just trying to keep from being sued for millions over misdiagnosing a common cold, or other such non issue.
In most cases people with the least amount of coverage demand the most attention from the doc and are the quickest to sue.
Some are just abusing the system to try and get a settelment.

I thinnk the reason they resist the change is because it's the fear of the unknown.

i think most docs who are afraid of getting sued for malpractice, are scared because they know they aren't good doctors. they're just paid well.... if i get bad service at a restaurant i don't leave a tip. but if a doctor leaves a scapel in my abdomen after removing my apendix he still gets paid 8k. or whatever they're paid for that procedure.

point is that malpractice suits are a necessary evil. if somebody buys defective products they can return it. but if a doctor fucks up you could die. and guess what, they still get paid.

Baja Rick

Sure,,, I'l go along with the crappy doctors, some of who shouldn't be practicing, but paying the good ones like the bad ones won't help.
While stuff does get left behind, and some mistakes are made, I think that they are a rareity not the usual practice.
Should you get your left foot choped off instead of the right one because of an error, you should be compinsated. BIG TIME (insert ANY major SNAFU here)
but just because the hospital nurse mistakenly shaves your junk when you where in to have an x ray of your pinky finger. Headline would be "Man sues over shaved junk!!!"
Even if they settal out of court the lawyers still send a bill to the hospital, the shaved junk guy's lawyer even gets a taste
I don't think that should fly.
I guess I just hate Lawyers more than Doctors