Healthiness of plants?


Well-Known Member
Every time i water the plants (with nutes too) they all immediately start looking stressed and droopy. However, 5-6 hours later they look healthy as all hell and remain that way until needing watered again at some point. Is this normal or? Keep in mind, i believe i'm not overwatering or over-"nuting" them. Whats the deal?


Active Member
What size pots are you using and how frequently do you water?

It sounds like they are suffering slightly from overwatering. Maybe wait a little longer before watering them. If your plants are getting a little droopy and lifeless looking after not being watered for awhile it generally means they need water. In your case though, the plants are drooping after watering, meaning the roots are probably being drown in the moisture and your plant isn't getting enough oxygen. If your plants are bouncing back and not showing any discoloration it probably isn't a big deal, but if they show some yellowing or browning at the edges of leaves along with drooping then you are probably over watering. I would give it an extra day between your next watering and see what happens..


Active Member
yea....they should only droop when they need water which then the top inch or 2 of the soil should be dry


Well-Known Member
ok, well.. is it possible for me to give them the nutes without watering? or just water VERY slighty with nutes and they'll absorb or what? On top of that, most pics show vibrant/shiny leaves.. mine are kinda dull, is that some type of deficiency or what?