heat attack :(

big poppa baby

Active Member
i planted yesterday and got them to sprout they were around like 5 hours old and then i left cameback next day and it was 110 deegrees and the sprouts were leaned over looking lifeless i heard of people reviving them so i watered and fixed teh ventalation and now the temp is 80 deegress do u think it will come back to life? input please


Well-Known Member
aaa A nother TPB pic gotta love them.

Its possiblt that they will come back to life but it all bepseds how long they have been exposed to that kind of heat.


Well-Known Member
Like kronics says, it is possible and you've got nothing to lose by holding onto them for a while but 110 is very hot. Seeing as you were only five hours in, you'd probably be best to just start again if you have more seeds. I lost 5 10-day old seedlings when my temp went to 95 and from what I've read here, anything above 90 is bad news. What do they look like at the moment?

big poppa baby

Active Member
i moved them (4) outside and they were dark brown and flipped over and like super thin but i checked befoere it got dark and it was a lil bit green and brown and restarted 2 more seeds that were ready inside


Well-Known Member
Hope you can nurse them back to health - I know how much it sux to have that happen. Good luck with the new seeds, I'm sure, like me you'll do much better 2nd time round.


Well-Known Member