Heat problem, Please please help

Hello, I currently have a 1000w mh setup and it is putting my entire room at over 100 degrees. It is burning hot in there and I had to cut it off because it was heating up the wood above it up so much I thought it would start a fire. I need help because it is not my house and I cant afford for it to burn down. The owner already thinks that I have invested too much money in this but I was thinking to add ventilation and he just refuses that it would be worth it since we have put so much work into it already. Is there a simple solution to cooling down the room without having to cut into walls and spend more money on fans, duct work, and more electric cost to run those fans. Please help me, I am trying to contact the guy I bought the light from on ebay to see if I can replace this 1000w with a lower wattage like 600w or 400w but would those bulbs be cooler? The owner of the place wants to put a bunch of flouros but I know that the mh and hps I have would be better. What should i do???


Well-Known Member
Sorry, no cheap solution. You have to have an air cooled light, and an inroom ac, period. There is no getting around it. BTW, plants stop growing that hot, and your water for your nutes is probably that hot, and is rotting your roots. Get a portable ac, around $600, a fan to air cool your light, another $250, and suck it up.

This ain't a po man's sport bro. That's why the best nugs cost an arm and a leg.

Davey Jones

You can get a portable AC for A LOT less than $600! Half that, max. Fans can be had for less as well. Still, you'll need to spend some money and make some changes to your grow room design. You need adequate ventilation for sure - 1000 watt HPS lights put off a shit-load of heat.
What about putting things on hold for a month or two if you are in the northern hemisphere. That way mother nature can help you to cool down the room :)