Heat stress/ fried buds.


Well-Known Member
This plant went from gorgeous and green to fried overnight. I thought it needed water but after reading so much about letting plants dry out between waterings I thought it would be OK. Anyway, it got too close to the light, while it was too thirsty and this is what happened overnight. It happened yesterday and doesn't seem like it's gotten any worse. Of course, I immediately watered it and moved the light.

3 or 4 buds are fried a bit on top, but buds in the undergrowth are still quite lush. Should I remove the shriveled bits of the buds, to expose the fresh buds, or just leave it. And should I leave the fried leaves or clip them?

Plant is 5 weeks old, LR2.

pH of soil is 7, feeding Biobizz grow & bloom once every 3-4 days.



stays relevant.
Just leave it's damaged foliage the way it is... It will burn into your mind and never happen again... Plus plants recover, stressed or not, your plant will be fine if you don't trim it.