Heat stress? Little help appreciated.


Active Member
Hey guys this post wont have pics unless really needed and Im sure someone will be able to answer fairly quickly when I present my symptoms. My guess is heat stress and that I am going to lose my 9 young plants... I put seed in dirt on 7-16 germ and above soil on 7-18 with 9 plants 3 strains, white widow, northern lights and power plant. 1 week in and they were doing good but they were a bit spindly with the first pointed leaves fully developed and about 3 inches tall... figured they were reaching since i was using cfl 105 watt daylight bulbs on them and been awhile since i grew with cfl,s. So on day 7 I went and bought a MH bulb for my 1000w ballast, temps were crazy first day it was steady at 95 most of the day, day 2 got them to 90 and by day 3 had them steady at 80-85. I am running them 18-6 rotation with night temps at 70. Thing is they almost havent grown at all since I switched lights. the 2nd set was just peeping through when I switched my lights and now they only grow less thatn a millimeter a day and are starting to tint a bit yellow. I have only watererd them once and have ph balanced water and soil is damp 2 inches down as should be. I used a mix of perlite, soil and organic compost when potting with no fert. I had very little blood meal tea mixed in with the water when I flooded the pots at day 7 so I dont think its nute caused. Any quick thoughts would be helpful. Thanks. Its still early in the grow so I am glad I dealt with the heat now and not when I put into flowering. Also I am growing in a mylar grow tent 5x5x7 with a 6" intake from outside air and a 6" exhaust to outside air and a 6" cool tube hood and a 10
" vent on top of tent for passive air flow


Well-Known Member
When I run my 1000w in my 4x4 I always have problems with small plants..u might be better of goin back to CFL till they are a little bigger to handle the intensity of a 1000w in a small tent