heat stress recovery time?


Active Member
first grow and im stumbling a little getting started....i assume i over nuted this on its first feed since i have some yellowing tips.. ( added 5ml of floranova grow to 1gal dechlorinated tapwater, probably shoulda went with 2.5ml) and it looks like heat stress by the venus flytrap looking leaves.... what i really want to know is how long will it take for leaves to flatten out? and why is this thing growing so funky, like out instead of up? as far as strain goes... no clue other than some sativa mids bag seed ... its 19 days into veg from seedling and probably only 5 inches tall! ive raised the 400w MH to around 18" from around 14" .... have a fan blowing on em constantly and its been about 36 hrs like that and while the top has grown a new set of leaves it just doesnt seem to want to start looking healthy.... any advice?



Well-Known Member
What temperature is it near the plant? Humidity? Also chill on the nutes. If it is heat stress or humidity it will go away soon after you correct the issue.