Heat stress??


Well-Known Member
Have a luk at the photos,the leaves luk dodgy,not sure exactly what it is,had a luk around a few places,opinions??


Well-Known Member
well my first question is what are your temps?? if you are worried about heat stress then it is obviously to warm in there and you should work on getting it cooler...

what nutes are you feeding?? how often you watering?? whats your ph and ec?? i think i see you are growing some sort of hydro style..


Well-Known Member
ok,temp is 27 celseus,using co2,the lights are cool tubed,they were a little close so i raised them up,watering shcedual is once at night,and once in the day,ph is 5.8,and the nutes are Vita Link,i also used some enzymes,ive used the low scale measure ment for the nutes an enzymes to be on the safe side for now,its a drip irigation,20 pot wilma system,excelent system,rockwool and clay pebbles,im gona make a video of the grow room to see if theres anything i can update,can i upload it to this site??and also on the co2 situation,im turning off the exhaust fan for a couple of hours and injecting the co2 for bout 20 mins on a low flow.