heat/ventilation question?

im gonna be growing a bubbleponices system in a growlab 60 (5'3" tall) and im nto too worried about smell since my room will already stink from me smoking in it lol but i am worried about the heat...i want to use a 250w lumatek digi ballast with an air cooled reflector, can i just get maybe suck ALL the air out of the tent with one 300-400cfm fan to get rid of the heat from the lamp and replace the air (killing two bird with one stone) or do u guys think i need two separate fans, one hooked directly up the the air cooled reflector to dissipate heat and another to replace the air?


Well-Known Member
Anytime you can remove heat directly from the reflector, you're always better off. Sometimes, it takes a combonation of both to keep the heat down, but it doesn't sound like you're working with too much heat with only 250 watts, should be a little less of a problem for you.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I Use a 400 watt HPS with no cooled reflector and use a Can fan that pushes 424 CFM and my temps never over 79.. prolly dont need that powerfull of a fan for a 250 watt light
id rather be safe than sorry...maybe ill go with 2 150 cfm fans near the top of my tent just to suck EVERYTHING out...

anyone else got anything to add

desert fox

Well-Known Member
I think a single 250cfm to 300cfm fan should work fine with a scrubber. Denver is pretty good climate any chance you can use fresh outside air? smoking is not good for plants. I always smoke outside.
I think a single 250cfm to 300cfm fan should work fine with a scrubber. Denver is pretty good climate any chance you can use fresh outside air? smoking is not good for plants. I always smoke outside.

home is in denver...but school is in PA

and good tip will try to not smoke in my room too much