Heffalumps and Woozles - Tab Pics, Go!

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Blotter art is one of the absolute coolest things to come out of psychedelic/drug culture. The one time I had some blotter it was blue and had a nebula type thing on it. I also had a picture of Ganesh on the back. Next time, hopefully there will be one, I'll be sure to take pictures.


Well-Known Member
If you search blotter on Ebay and then click art, there are several different replica blotter art prints to order. scored like the real thing.

I'd be tempted to eat a piece just to make sure.
Maybe someone is selling lsd as art on ebay. lol
one can dream

Sr. Verde

If you search blotter on Ebay and then click art, there are several different replica blotter art prints to order. scored like the real thing.

I'd be tempted to eat a piece just to make sure.
Maybe someone is selling lsd as art on ebay. lol
one can dream

if its like $800 for a piece of blotter art then maybe lol


Well-Known Member
Here's one. I'm thinking about dropping a couple of these tonight.
Ahhh I just did some Dancing Bears 2 nights ago a friend of mine got it from some guy who claimed to be in the family at a festival he went to called allgood... He said he got the acid from europe when I dropped it, it tasted strong and bitter on my tounge, weird. Except mine were a different color blue background with pick,yellow, and red bears.