Helicopter searches

Hey guys
I am a grower and I recently learned that my city/county whoever it is has some kind of technology that they can see that you are growing pot.
Should i be worried?
I grow 2-3 plants at one time in a 3'X2'X18" box with roughly 15 cfl bulbs at 30-50ish watts each
I live in the bottom floor of a 3 story apartment complex. my thermometer inside the box doesn't get above 90 degrees.

Smucker G

Active Member
Your fine dude. They aint looking for a 3x2 box with a couple plants. Dont think what they have would see your lights anyway.


Well-Known Member
From what I've read, cfl's don't put off enough heat.. There looking for grow houses with multiple 1000watt hps setups and such..

Who really knows though..


New Member
and it only picks up on surface temps of heat exscaping house like a clothes dryer vent
and it cant unlike popular myth see through objects they act like it can to scare people like u relax
do some research on infared detection prevention
and if u are in the usa it is illegal to use it on a residence without a warrant first
not that all cops worry about breaking the law


New Member
if in doubt look at google or utube vids of heli chases when suspect runs under tree u cant see him
and when it is a car chase u cant see the driver or the hot engine u just see heat escaping around hood
and supreme court banned flirring houses with out warrant
violates 4 th amend


Active Member
wow a judge in america actually defended the 4th amendment?!?!?! im shocked... i thought 1984 had already begun....


Active Member
am i helicopter safe?[video=youtube;YraLXXDrMgE]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YraLXXDrMgE[/video]

forsure man, dont trip about helicoptors if you dont have 1000watters like the man above said..

how many times did you top the plant you showed us first that thing is a beast! check my grow out


Well-Known Member
you are more than fine. them saying they have "a new technology that finds plants" is total bullshit. unless they recently bought an infrared setup for the chopper.
but even then, those only find large amounts of heat. if it was really that sensitive, anyone with a space heater on in their house would get their door busted down


Active Member
yea people are seriously overly afraid of the gov't... i say fuck em'... if they try to get me i'll be waiting with my guns


Active Member
forsure man, dont trip about helicoptors if you dont have 1000watters like the man above said..

how many times did you top the plant you showed us first that thing is a beast! check my grow out
i topped that plant like 4-6 times. it tok me awhile to make it look like that. Ill keep you posted on my grow.


New Member
look at 2:30 of clip when guy is behind tree u cant see so they cant see through wall and as far as heating escaping everytime u dry a load of clothes heat could be a grow but they dont come kick your door in
come on be cautious but dont be paranoid