Hello Sativa Dragon Here, should be "I also love Indicas Sativa Dragon"

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
I signed up here a while ago, got into the Icmag for a bit till I got banned for mentioning deals on other sights, WTF! anyhow.
decided the monopolizing capitalists can moderate there site the way they please I choose to leave. So I am here.
hopefully will be able to fall within the rules and Laws of rollitup so as not to be turfed from here lol.
have had a green thumb for many years and love to do projects and build things
am an inventor and jack of all trades master of none.


Well-Known Member
I signed up here a while ago, got into the Icmag for a bit till I got banned for mentioning deals on other sights, WTF! anyhow.
decided the monopolizing capitalists can moderate there site the way they please I choose to leave. So I am here.
hopefully will be able to fall within the rules and Laws of rollitup so as not to be turfed from here lol.
have had a green thumb for many years and love to do projects and build things
am an inventor and jack of all trades master of none.
Any sort of affiliate marketing on any of these larger 420 friendly site is prohibited as you take away from their cash flow. So as long as you have absolutely no intentions of making money on roll it up, then welcome.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
They sell seeds and merch to us or the general public and when you mention Walmart at Taget Walmart boots you out, well they don't but they don't let you talk about anything. It's a capitalist ideology


Staff member
I signed up here a while ago, got into the Icmag for a bit till I got banned for mentioning deals on other sights, WTF! anyhow.
decided the monopolizing capitalists can moderate there site the way they please I choose to leave. So I am here.
hopefully will be able to fall within the rules and Laws of rollitup so as not to be turfed from here lol.
have had a green thumb for many years and love to do projects and build things
am an inventor and jack of all trades master of none.
that would be considered advertisement, we don't allow it and neither do a lot of other sites , but welcome anyways :)

so you're saying this cite recieves profit from seeds and seeds only?

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
This ^^^.

For the Record I do not affiliate myself or am I currently affiliated with any vendor of any such nature nor will I ever be unless there are 6 figure career changing amounts of cash involved and I am pretty sure that is not the case. I am just trying to be as transparent as possible, thanks for the warning, I had no such warning on Icmag, as you see there are tonnes of people who are still not aware that forums are a facet of the business that is running a 420 friendly website, I was forced to learn about this upon being banned for said conduct. now however realizing I had the carpet pulled out from under me I would like to be as open as possible about the fact these forums are not totally free speech forums, you cannot talk about anything you want on hear and you must follow the rules as "DICTATED" to you before you clicked "YES I AGREE TO THE TERMS" You clicked away a bit of your liberty when you click that button as I did to allow me to safely participate in discussion here at Roll it up.


Sativa Dragon

Active Member
I would guess from advertising, whoever enters into agreement with a site to advertise there gear will not want any others mentioned who are not promoted here. I get it.



Staff member
its no problem you will get warnings before being banned, and generally we will alert new members, and give them a little slack, were very nice people, but we need to make it a proper environment for everyone :)


Active Member
I signed up here a while ago, got into the Icmag for a bit till I got banned for mentioning deals on other sights, WTF! anyhow.
decided the monopolizing capitalists can moderate there site the way they please I choose to leave. So I am here.
hopefully will be able to fall within the rules and Laws of rollitup so as not to be turfed from here lol.
have had a green thumb for many years and love to do projects and build things
am an inventor and jack of all trades master of none.
My initial impression is that your a cool dude. Welcome to RIU. I'm a bit of a noob here but most of the regulars around here are pretty cool and there is a ton of great info. Cheers :)