HELP! 1 Week Old Sprouts (Seedlings) & PH Issues!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
All of a sudden my soil is reading a little over 8 PH, only reason I checked is cuz I have been sick for a couple of days and not been able to pay tons of attention to what is going on and all of sudden they are turning yellow! They are not even all 1 week old, as of today they are 6,6.5 and 7 days!!!!!!!!!!!

What should I use to bring my PH down without killing my little seedlings! I mean they don't even get nutes yet!

I am using sunshine mix soiless mix and the right fuckin lights this time! I didn't have any of these problems when I threw a bunch of seeds into some damn Dollar General $3 soil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My new camera still isn't here yet so I can not post pics.


Well-Known Member
Time to grab some $3 soil and move your plants to a less hostile environment for the next few weeks.
Let them develop in the soil, as you work out the kinks and get the whole thing under control again, and then, if you must, revert back to the sunshine mix, and have a happy grow!


Well-Known Member
Not at all! A soiless mix can contain anything that is not soil!

Sunshine, off their website uses a mixture of the following in the mixes they produce:

The basic component of soilless mixes is sphagnum peat moss. The various amendments added to each mix include , coir, vermiculite, dolomitic limestone, fertilizer, trace elements, perlite, wetting agents, gypsum, rock wool, calcine clay, and pine bark.


Well-Known Member
So, I should not even be having a PH or Nutrient issue. 3 girls started in jiffy pellets and transferred into the soil-less mix should still have everything they need @ week 1. I am seriously pissed at this point. The more $$ I soend the more Issues I seem to have.

SOOOOOOOO... Should I flush?? Can they survive it??? Should I add PH Down??



Well-Known Member
I don't know how well the seedlings will take to the excess water or to the pH down.

I still think that your best bet is to pull out those peat pellets, together with the seedlings, and replant them in something pH ready, and familiar to you!


Well-Known Member
I am as familiar with the sunshine as dollar general soil. I started my last grow in DG but finished in Sunshine Soil Less.

So your saying to switch the girls back to soil right?? What is a good SOil PH ready??? Anyone???



Well-Known Member
I should also mention (with the risk of being laughed at) that I actually did not know that the Sunshine was a "Soil Less Mix" until after my last grow was over. I HAVE NEVER GROWN ANYTHING BEFORE!! I did not intentionally switch to a soil-less mix and now I don't really know how to switch back without hurting my girls even more....



Well-Known Member
Yup just switch back to some good potting soil if you can.

My plants grew well in soil at pH of 6.

Should be good around there!

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Are you using tap water? What is the PH of the water u are using?

*edit My guess is you are over watering and flushing any nutes in that mix, your roots are OK cause you have such good drainage.


Well-Known Member
i cant get my soil down any lower than 8, iv tried everything, adding vinegar to my water.(distilled).water has ph of 5 or lower after the vinegar,,, little lime to my soil (ff oceanforrest) still sits right at 8


Well-Known Member
Are you using tap water? What is the PH of the water u are using?

*edit My guess is you are over watering and flushing any nutes in that mix, your roots are OK cause you have such good drainage.
No nutes added at all and watering was only being misted until yesterday when they were given water to the soil for the first time. It was not nearly enough to flush....

Edit to add Using Tap sat out for well over 48 hours with a ph of 6.3


Well-Known Member
Yes they were, in fact Rocky was shooting her roots out in less than 2 full days! These things grew like CRAZY for 6 days and then just paused and started turning yellow....

Going to post pics in my grow journal. I switched soils and my panic is subsiding, theres more seeds where these came from worst case scenario.
