

New Member
Hello folks thanks for having me.
I'm very new to this, so I may annoy those more experienced peeps with my novice questions.

Anyway here goes,

I'm trying to make honey oil, or I tried to make honey oil.
I followed instructions from a website/youtube.....put the buds and 70% IPA in the freezer over night (24hrs).
Washed rinsed, filtered and everything looked great.
I had it sitting on a shelf in my garage with a fan on it. It took better part of 3 days to evaporate.
Once evaporated I was not left with sticky oil. I was left with a solid beige color crust covering the bottom of the glass.
I scraped it up and put it into a couple glass vials.
I ended up with approx 4g of the powder/flakes.
I heated up a portion of it, it turned into a dark tar like substance, similar to what you clean off your scissors when trimming bud.
My question is: is the remaining vial i have of the powder of any use? Can it be added back to another batch of oil? What should I do with it? Why did I get this crust and not get oil?
I will be trying again today, this time using a double broiler method.
Any input would be much appreciated, Thanks very much!!!!