help! black and yellow spots and the tips are curling


Active Member
i think my plant is dieing! my plant is 5 weeks olds. he grew up outside for those 5 weeks but now my parnets are making me get ridge of it so i made a grow room inside my room. while he was outside he got attacked but bugs so i used Ortho bug spray. and now that ive moved him inside he has these black spots and yellow spots he doesn't look health at at all so help is greatly appreciated! thanks


humble learner

Well-Known Member
Your parents didn't want you to grow weed outside on their property, so you think it's ok that you grow it inside their house?

Hey, I know what the problem is, you need to get a job so you can buy your own weed and not put your parents at risk.....ungrateful little bastard.


Active Member
alrite i hear u man well am workin on that. i have i full time job in the construction but it isnt enough to move out in cali. u hear me! thing are alittle more expensive here!


Active Member
LOL! i dont know whats wrong with your wheaties man sorry! but mr humble learner man! who the fuddlecock are you to say shit dooode? lets try not to judge and keep this strictly weed gentlemen.