HELP! Blue Dream leaves starting to droop bad!!!

Hi everyone.

I have a Critical Plus and a Blue Dreams in my grow room. They are under 6 23w cfls. (eventually they will be going into a grow tent with a 400w HPS light. They have a humidifier and a fan giving them sufficient air.
I water them every 2-3 days depending on the soil dryness. When I water them and the soil is dry I put maybe 3 cups of water in each, and water always ends up just POURING out the bottom. I got them as clones ready to transplant. So I transplanted into 3 gal pots and they are now 20 days old. I only use ff ocean forrest and ff nutes. When I water I water with Nutes then the next time I use no nutes. (PH is always around 6.2-6.7) I dont see what Im doing wrong. The Critical Plus is doing GREAT!! NO DROOPING or YELLOWING. BUT the Blue Dream is SUPER DROOPY. USUALLY the Blue Dreams is not droopy like this but last time I watered it (1 day n a half ago with reg distilled water n ph up to make it 6.5) I also had to cut a leaf off of the botton of the Blue Dreams because it was super dried up and dead, then it started looking droopy. Im not sure what im doing wrong with the Blue Dreams but the Critical plus is perfectly fine and Ive done the same treatments and watering for both equally. Any Info and opinions on what I should do would be SUPER APPRECIATED!! Thanks everyone! :leaf: THE ONE ON THE LEFT IS THE CRITICAL PLUS. AND THE ONE ON THE RIGHT IS THE BLUE DREAMS. :-(
! C+ (20 days).jpgBD DROOPY (20 DaYS).jpg


Active Member
They don't look all that droopy to me, good color too. Most likely cause of drooping is under-watering/over-watering, they look similar. A less likely cause especially given your good color is root damage/root rot.

When watering if your water is immediately running through and not soaking in properly, it is probably running through channels in your soil, or around the edges, and not getting absorbed properly. A trick I do to get an even absorbtion of water is I use a mister bottle and wet the very top layer of soil lightly before pouring water in. This prevents the water from pooling at the surface and then rushing through gaps in the medium.

Your watering method seems fine to me, I do a combination of finger dipping, and weight lifting to guage when my plants need a drinnk myself. If you're confident you aren't overwatering/underwatering, maybe all the roots aren't getting water because of the water running throgh too fast like i described.

But like I said before, your girls actually look pretty great to me.


Active Member
they look good man. like rage said.. water is running down the sides of the pot. if you have a bottom for them to let the water sit.. it will slowly soak it back up. a few things you could try is.. get some biodegradable dish soap. mix some of that with your water and water them. it acts as a wetting agent and is much cheaper than wetting agents on the market. also.. before you water.. get a fork and move the soil on the top around. just make sure you move it around. you dont want a hard crust layer on top of any pot. good luck mate.
Thanks everyone. I didnt get a real good pic of the very bottom leaves on the blue dreams plant. I have a powdery mildew problem but I was told to control the humidity and its not going away?!?! Could this be my problem? Like 4 of the bottom leaves are dead, yellow and ya DEAD. I control it by keeping it below 60% rh and my temps at 77-81 degrees. I pinched them off cause they were obviously dead and not coming back.
you wipe off the powerdy mildew with hydrogen perxiode mixed water. 3 parts 1 part hp. or use neem oil.

white vpowerdy mildrew usually occurrs when lights are off and room temperture drops too much. plus lack of air circulation. check that room does not drop below approx 68 degrees. put fan down between buckets to move air between plants. not much just get the air circulating. also check ur humidity when lights are out; if u r using co2 run fan at night only, not during daytime when u are pumping in co2. water when lights come on to give time for any moisture that has goitten on the leaves and for humidity around base of plant to decrease. i also remove the branches, leaves at base of plant. so the first 6 inches or so of the plant is bare. easier to water less problems with mildew. plus those branches dont get enough light to produce decentb buds.


When watering if your water is immediately running through and not soaking in properly, it is probably running through channels in your soil, or around the edges, and not getting absorbed properly. A trick I do to get an even absorbtion of water is I use a mister bottle and wet the very top layer of soil lightly before pouring water in. This prevents the water from pooling at the surface and then rushing through gaps in the medium.
When watering if your water is immediately running through and not soaking in properly, it is probably running through channels in your soil, or around the edges, and not getting absorbed properly. A trick I do to get an even absorbtion of water is I use a mister bottle and wet the very top layer of soil lightly before pouring water in. This prevents the water from pooling at the surface and then rushing through gaps in the medium.
I've been having difficulties watering my airpots because they drain so well. I misted the top soil really well and then watered, finally a solution! Thanks brotha