Help busted or not?!?! Shit! What would you do! Read the story please!


Active Member
I really hope you didnt confront him about it or make any drastic actions. Get your room finished, and from there see whats noticeable when everything is on. Smell, Lights, Noise, Strange black curtains in your closet - and work from there. If he really knows whats going on im sure you will hear about it from somebody (or him) later. From now on though, LET YOUR FRIENDS KNOW YOUR HOUSE RULES. For example- If you want something ASK ME FOR IT. Doesnt mean you have to get it for them, but it allows you to be informed about whats going on. People will never ask questions to your rules. Precautions saves a whole lot of mess in the long run, i speak from experience. I actually got busted by my best friend since middle school when i first started. Mainly because i flipped out and panicked which caused suspicion which lead to him investigating (because we are really close so he felt like i was hiding something from him, which i was :/) Anyways long story short he kept it a secret for me and still to this day has inside jokes about harvest time. Never trust anyone though because the chance is too great, 'keep you enemies close' is the way i dealt with my stupid mistake. Id try to become good friends with him even if he doesnt know, just to make sure. But never, ever, bring it up or anything. Play it off and if he asks make an excuse. Theres plenty, 'i was embarrassed about the mess would be a smart one'. Sell it though, like you are trying to win an Oscar!


Active Member
If i might add as well - You made a rookie mistake, You panicked and had a huge sign over your head saying to him (SOMETHING IS UP). Get a good poker face and learn to control yourself and thoughts next time you get put on the spot like that. When you act like nothing is up, people wont assume something is up. Just like playing cards, cant let them know what you have without them even looking at your cards!


Active Member
The drug war is about money. It is one huge revenue stream for police to be able to seize and sell property. If they aren't going to cover the cost of all those police officers at the scene, they wont even bother.

You could always move to a medical state.


Well-Known Member
dude 3 plants in canada no less .. dude your super skitzin .. try having 90 and the cops knock on the door then what.. act like a normal human being and always deny it always.. even if your sitting in your tent deny it.. make them prove it .... there is this law called lleagle search and seizure .. look it up.. in the states a cop cant come in without reason unless invited so keep them at the door and make them get a warrent... but seriously.. i wouldnt sweat 3 plants in canada..


Active Member
wow just read. Best advice is dude who said clean your room get stuff out, and have a small smoke fest in your room with that one dude. If he did think anything he would be doubting himself as what he had seen weeks ago. Then rebuild after, and even know your renting you can get a door knob that locks.


Alright thought id bring in an update and say he doesnt know about it. Its been a week and hes said nothing to me nor has my bestfriend (cause hes bestfriends with him, he would tell him first) (who would def say something to me). Also it was just the materials, a half built wood frame and the rest of the stuff was really in bags so he prob didnt know what it was, except the flexible ducting i have in there which would be the only super suspicious looking thing in there. Ya im going to put a lock on my door for sure! And ya I know i should have kept the poker face, but i was stoned, and just saw someone coming down the stairs my face prob turned pale like i saw a ghost, thats how i felt, so im sure he picked up on it, but I played it off just pretending i was really stoned and that i couldnt find that shirt he said he found so easily! :D