Help clones are dying


ok guys this is my first grow and i am experiancing some problems i have 4 clones all had roots i was using a 400w hps bulb for veg but after 24 hrs 1 has flopped all its leaves and looks dead and the other 3 just looked droopy and burned so i have changed the bulb to a 250w mh on a 18/6 cycle any help please



New Member
how far is your light before changing to 250w
how often u watering
are u using any nutes
if u want answers from people give more details a pic tells alot but doesnt tell the whole story
I am new myself, did you get some air in the clone after cutting it, before you placed it into your cloning gel?? Also thinking the 400 watt could have been too much-- just my .02-- hopefully someone will chime in with more xperience


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you did what you can for now. Just have to wait and see if they recover.


New Member
u can use a 400 but light placement is important
chime in with the specifics i mention and someone can help u better


the light was about 2ft away yes im using nutes at 1/4 strength i did not cut these clones they were given to me already rooted i water every 2 days but giv em a spray every day


New Member
u have to spray them right before lights out or the water drops act like a magnifiing glass and will burn yellow spots