Help!! Clones Won't Grow Roots


Well-Known Member
Another cutting I dabbed in root powder, and stuck it in neutral moist soil. After 1 full month, there were no roots in the water, an the cuttings in the soil were not rooting either.
I'm starting to believe that the gel works better than the powder. I could only find powder in my area.

Good luck and aloha Lehua! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
thx 4 the rep man keep us updated im sub'd

No....thank you!! Well, there is good news and bad news.

On Sunday I decided to put them out in the sun for some light and humidity. I overestimated the southern sun :( . The leaves were wilted so bad, they were sticking to the main stem.

Out of two, one may make it. The weaker one is now shedding yellow and brown leaves. I cooked them :wall: The one that is flowering is actually holding up well....weird. I'll post pics tomorrow. Viewer discretion is advised; it may make you very sad and lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. :lol: I'll tell you one thing; if both of these Bubblelicious clones survive, this strain will be one of the heartiest strains on the planet. God knows I've tried to kill them :( .....if they make it, I will be sponsoring a parade down my street :cool:


Well-Known Member
you should have had them under 1 or 2 cfl's, i have mine under a cfl and a cool white tube and they're still alive


Active Member
Yea when rooting clones the worst thing to do is to give them alot of light. When they are given alot of light they will try to grow new veg insted of rooting. Little amount of light will give them the energy they need to root.


Active Member
let us know how it turns out. I had one that would not root as well. Around the 3 week mark I tossed that little fucker.
Maybe I should have re-cut it, but the others were well on their way to growing and taller by then.
never thought id see a girl masterbate with a chainsaw, thats funny shit.
youve heard most or all of this in the last few pages but yeah here is my input!
-humidome(i usually have mine proped up an inch on 1 side so they get a bit of airflow through)
-spray bottle(spray them once or twice a day)
-rockwool is great but im using the same little earthpucks as you and im not having toomuch trouble,80% survival but most of those were me trusting someone i shouldnt to water while i was gone.btw i use gel not pwdr.
-also when taking clones try to get the lower growth becouse its closer to the roots it has more rooting hormones (topping & lst mothers is essential(IMO) becouse of that and the amount of extra growth allows more clones = more plants........
or you could make a dwc cloner and clean the dirt off the current clones and put them in it almost guarentees lots of roots(use humidome still)
PEACE & good growing


I have a grow tent for veg and bloom, and I use my bathroom for a cloning station. I have no cabinets so I hung a cord with 3 CFLs over a small stand supporting my humidity dome. I've had zero and 100% survive. My problem was always over watering. So now I am strict. Rock wool is best. but Jiffy pellets are cheap and easy to find. So, first I soak the pellets in water. I might mix a very light solution of B1 (Superthrive 1 drop/gal) and H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide 50-100ml/gal), but plain filtered, oxygenated water is fine. Then I take my cutting, clip the leaves, score up the stem and dip it in hormone. I like the gel but again the powder is easy to find. Then I put the stem into the Jiffy pellet and I am careful to not squeeze it much beyond setting the stem because I want it to be most arable and not compacted. Rather, I place the pellet on several folded up paper towels in order to soak up the extra water. When the pellet looks wet but no longer saturated, I put it into a humidity dome. I wish I had a small heating pad under the bottom to warm it a bit, but I don't. When I did, it all worked a bit better. After this, I never mess with it at all. I just take the top off the dome when I shower to give it air and humid mist. I place the dome back when the room is still foggy. Also, at first I use 1 23w bulb, then after a few days I add another and then the third. Temp is mid 80's and as long as there's condensation inside the dome, you have good humidity. It takes between 1 and 3 weeks to get roots. They will all survive if I am strict with myself. But if I water them, especially if I water the pellets themselves, the stems will turn to mush and the clones will all die. Another thing I learned from my own faults is to not mess with them too much. It takes time for the humidity to go back up after lifting the lid, so leave them alone and their environment will stay stable and healthy. If it seems too dry and you want to add moisture, mist it around the interior black area of the dome bottom and not directly onto the jiffy pellets. Let them absorb excess water from the environment rather than shed excess from within.
I hope this helps.