*!* help differnt age plants *!*

Chelseys Man

Active Member
:leaf:okay i am growing 4 plants. 2 of them are going to be flowered at the same time. problem is the other 2 are younger then the other 2. when i start my 12/12 in a month what can i do with the other ones that still need the 24/0 to finish the veg. what can i do?:leaf:



Well-Known Member
You could use smaller pots next time,if your gonna flower them at that size..Just move the ones your flowering to a dark spot..

Chelseys Man

Active Member
well the big ones have been going for like 28 days and still has a whole nother month to veg so i think the pots might be good enough. the younger ones are about 2 weeks old. got any ideas on what to put the plants in for the dark time. would i need to put fans?


you really shouldnt be vegging in 24/0 its bad for the plants they need rest just like you. 18/6 mang. but yea just move the flowering ones to a dark place for the extra hours past 12 in the veg room. those plants look really small man i'd switch to 18/6 from now on, its very possible that your actually stunting the plants growth by leaving them the light on all day. its just not natural

Chelseys Man

Active Member
yeah good point about the whole vegin thing. you think if i did it 18/6 now it would start to mess them up? i have been doing 24 its whole life from a seedling


no im pretty positive it would help them. i bet youl notice a big difference in a few days. When were you planning to flower? fow far in are they?

Chelseys Man

Active Member
well i was going to flower in alittle over 1 month so it would be 2 months for veg stage. so are you like for sure it wont make my plants act up if i do the 18/6?