help doing LST and I might have broke it???


Active Member
ok heres the pic bent it down to LST and it went 90 degrees. I dont see any sign of it actually ripping the skin of the stem but I didnt bend it back to look just left it in this position. So should I leave it or cut it and reclone it?



Well-Known Member
Leave it...that there is what you call Super Cropping : ) . Also a tip with L.S.T; never bend it too much @ a time, just little by little. & make sure you bend it higher up more ( more tender stems), looks like you tried bending the tough stalky part of the stem.

Also if you break a plastic clothes hanger you can make 3 hooks w/ a single hanger, works crype!


bud bootlegger
so long as you don't notice any tearing of the stem, it will bounce back and be fine.. the pix is kinda what my plants look like after i supercrop my girls.. the area right were that string is will callous up and heal just fine.. it will look a lil odd as it will get thicker than the rest of the stem, but it will be fine in a couple of days ime...


Active Member
pheew!!!! I thought I might have fucked it up its G13 and I hear its pretty hardy... Purpz I had a metal hanger so I cut it with some tin snips and been making little hooks out if far it works except for me bending this one too much


Well-Known Member
put it back into place and tape it with the aluminum tape that you use for ducting and what not. That stuff rocks!! I break shit all the time when scrogging.