HELP! extractor fan problems (fan cutting out)

hello fellow stoners

now guys it looks like ive got a bit of a problem here, ive recently installed a 8 inch extractor fan (system air) and a 4 inch intake fan ive got it running through a primair tempreature and fan speed controller, all was going well intill last week now the problem is that i like to keep my fan running 24/7 durning flower to keep the smell down, so i stuck my idle speed dials down to about 50% on both the extractor and intake fan, now it goes fine at first but after a couple of hours of running the fans, my extractor cuts out completly but my intake fan keeps on running, and this is becoming a bit of an issue now as my girls are starting to smell, now i thought these fans are desinged to run 24/7 so i dont see why i am having this problem, has this happend to anyone else on here, would be very greatfull for any help thanks in advance