help getting grower

A family member has the card and really needs some good stuff because she has a chronic pain situation. We are in Beaverton Oregon, can anyone guide us in our search for a grower and some good bud? She has been paying for what she has and it's not very good but it's super expensive.


Well-Known Member
you should never have to pay for weed if you are a med patient IMO i never pay for mine its up to you really to find a good grower that fits your needs and what you need. i had to interveiw about 40 growers till i found the one i liked and who seemed cool and fit my needs, i was getting offered 1 oz a month if that by all the growers none had meds available till the end of summer and almost all of them asked for money, then i narrowed it donw to a few i got samples form them all till i found the best one i found a grower who supplied me with a pound in a 3 month period all organic bomb meds, he gave me a qp as soon as my card was in his name he supplies me about a qp every month cuz that is what i need and he does not charged one dime and since he has not asked i will gove him some cash for his work and labor. it too me a month but it worked out great so take your time and find the right grower, to find names of growers just go to a clinic or call and they usally have a bulletin bored with a bunch of numbers of growers in need of patients, also put a add on craigslist i would recommend not getting a grower who has no cards in his name usally means its theri first time growing or are not good because theri patient did not stay with them. as for meds well i really dont know sorry.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
A family member has the card and really needs some good stuff because she has a chronic pain situation. We are in Beaverton Oregon, can anyone guide us in our search for a grower and some good bud? She has been paying for what she has and it's not very good but it's super expensive.
The problem with the current Oregon law is that it doesn't allow you to purchase bud from anyone once you have your card. It's actually supposed to be a non-profit industry by any means. For this reason, you are only allowed to DONATE $ to compensate for grow costs, and in return, you are GIFTED medical marijuana. You can legally do this with any medical grower, organization, or if you want to assign someone who can do this for you on a regular basis, you designate a CAREGIVER (someone who can now legally assume the rights of your medical card to grow your legal limit on their premises, and then supply you with it for medical purposes when it is finished). This is what a lot of patients who do not have the time, money, or experience to grow prefer to setup with someone in their area.