help help i think i need help


Active Member
hello i have 6 big bud plants growing their about 2 feet tall.. yesterday i seen the weirdest things on my plants ,,, i see white pistels.. i only seen that when their budding... and im not at 12/12 yet what does this mean... im at work so no pics available but ill post some tonite.... im growing indoors... should i make them bud yet.. the branches arnt that big... how big should this plants get when their done budding if i budd them now


Well-Known Member
At first they the branches/nodes/leaves will be directly across from each other. When they alternate they will not be directly across from each other. Its tough to explain. I am not being a smart ass. Look the word up in a dictionary. I cant explain it.


Well-Known Member
This is off topic but, with all the reports of people getting caught around here lately I was just wondering, is it really safe to post that you are growing pot from work? Obviously I have no idea how the comps are set up there, but I do know at a lot of places it's pretty easy to find out what other people are doing. Just thought I'd mention it - just in case. I hate seeing people get caught and punished for growing pot.


Active Member
ok ther at that stage.. my branches are about 3-5 inches long dependin on plant but should i expect ok buds from that plant,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
there is no way to tell if they are good without pics and a detailed description of the setting they are in, lights, vents, size, nutes......


Well-Known Member
ok ther at that stage.. my branches are about 3-5 inches long dependin on plant but should i expect ok buds from that plant,,,,,,,
If i was in your grow room i could not tell ya about the buds. Ya have not grown any yet. When ya go 12x12 your plants branches will grow 3inches to 3 feet. That will be your buds.


Well-Known Member
You should get amazing buds from plants that are 2 feet high when put into flower, IF you have the lighting to flower them properly, which seems unlikely since you are a beginner. (See next paragraph.) What you receive in yield will be totally dependent on the lighting you use now (during bloom), assumming everything else is done correctly.

Those plants will probably hit 6 feet (or more [strain and light dependant] - sativas can easily hit 4 times their vegged height) during bloom because you waited so long in veg - growing them to 2 feet ... this is one of the biggest mistakes I see with beginners at RIU, i.e., growing big plants before putting them into flower when they don't have the lighting to cover a plant that big properly. (If you've got the lighting, great, if not - waste of time.) I see posts over and over again ... "is this plant ready to go into flower?" Fact is, you can flower whenever you want. For example, I put my plants into bloom at 6 inches and I'm using 2 x 1000w HIDs. I do use the sea of green (SOG) method though, so you'd probably want to grow them bigger than that. Regardless, the point is to grow them to a height that is suitable for your setup then put them into bloom. You don't need to wait a certain length of time or until the plant looks like this or that - just grow to a height that your setup can handle given the fact that they may triple in height during flowering. (The less light you have the taller they will be when finished. For example, with 2 x 1000w lights my plants still double in height, or even more depending on strain.)

Yes, cannabis plants can start flowering on their own; maybe that is what is happening to you, I certainly don't know by that one post. If they are left too long in veg sometimes they will start to flower - sort of like being outside. Sometimes they just start to flower for no apparent reason but this is quite rare.

In the future remember that growing a larger plant before blooming will not help much with yield unless you have the lighting to compensate for that. Why? Because the good fat buds will only develop within the range of efficiency of your lighting. You may get some extra 'popcorn' buds, but you also spent a lot more time in veg.

Please note that the above is a very general explanation. There are so many variables I could include it would take a novel to explain all the possibilities. I do hope it helps you in some way though. Good luck to you.