HELP... Hermaphroditic Cannabis? What Shall I Do?!


Active Member
Oh, goodness... go ahead and tell me what I already know... but, I'm hoping I'm wrong!!!

Is Sasha (the gyrl I've been nurturing for the past two months) a HERMIE?!

I've researched everywhere on the web it seems and now here right where I should have started in the first place... rollitup!

Help, please...

I believe I've grown a Hermie... possibly more female than male... I'm hoping Sasha's a female, but after seeing the pollen all over my grow room, I'm pretty certain she's not all gyrl...

What do you think? Any suggestions? Shall I continue to grow her out? Do you think she'll produce any usable THC? Is it just wishful thinking on my part or does Sasha have a chance of accomplishing our mission - hooking me up with some good blow?!

If I cut her down (brief moment of pained silence!), should I sterilize my grow room before trying again? what shall i do?!

I have tons of pics and video of Sasha's progression of growth... I'm not sure how many I can upload in this thread, but if you'd like to see more... just let me know!

In advance... thanks for your assistance! Please know that WE (Sasha and I) appreciate it!

~ "the prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of violent and petty crime in this country is closely connected with outlawing the growing of hemp." ~ Albert Einstein



Well-Known Member
Sasha, keep dreaming, more like Bubba :bigjoint:

Cut your losses on this one as there will not be much usable from Sasha, it looks as if a month ago you could have made the descision to remove Sasha before the he/she did it's business in your grow room.

Cull, wipe down grow room with water and let it dry, and find a new Sasha.



Sasha, keep dreaming, more like Bubba :bigjoint:

Cut your losses on this one as there will not be much usable from Sasha, it looks as if a month ago you could have made the descision to remove Sasha before the he/she did it's business in your grow room.

Cull, wipe down grow room with water and let it dry, and find a new Sasha.


Take the above advice, take it down serious clean up then try again.


Well-Known Member
Collect pollen for later and then cut..your loses. Spray room with mild bleach water and clean before next crop. Including air filter'fan'etc