help!!! i got mites


Well-Known Member
just found out i got mites on my girl can some 1 tell me how to kill them
ive been to some ways but would like some more thanks

Reefer Rick

Well-Known Member
Ouch ...that hurts :cuss:
Many ways...apparently the no pest strips work pretty well 4 mites...never hadem' :mrgreen: cant confirm


Well-Known Member
You can kill them, and keep them off your plants with tobacco juice.

I know it sounds crazy... Buts its true. Google it. "Tobacco juice as an insecticide"

Just get some chewing tobacco... Like Red Man, Levi Garrett, Beech Nut, or whatever is the cheapest... Then empty the tobacco into a container then fill with water until it is completely submerged and let it sit over night. Then strain the liquid through a coffee filter, or hand towel, an old t-shirt. whatever is available. Squeeze out the solution Into a container and dilute it with water until its light brown... Put it in a spray bottle and spray your plants as needed. This is a cheap and organic way of getting rid of pests. and it works! It wont hurt your plants... The nicotine and other natural chemicals found in tobacco will kill and repel spider mites, aphids, and any other insects that can destroy your crops...


Well-Known Member
There are many things you can use to annihlate mites. I would suggest finding a spray that is suitable for your plant. Not all sprays can be beneficial to your plant. All sprays are phytotoxic. I myself use ladybugs but the problem is that well the lady bugs do not get rid of mite eggs and they often kill themselfves flying toward the hid. I also alternate using einstein oil ( neem) if you decide to use neem make ure it is cold pressed and pyrethrin ( which is derived from crysanthenums and do not get that mixed up with pyrethrum which would annihlate your plants). I have others use insecticidal soaps with success also tobacco juice. Some people go to the extra effort to flip their plant upside down and just run water over the drain in the shower. Just remember if you decide to use miticides spray underneath the leaves because that is where they usually hang out. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Tobacco juice huh, sounds good to me. Im growing all organic and the tocbacco juice sounds pretty healthy and cheap, thanks guys