Help i Have 2 plants that are sick AK48 and Blue Dreams x Cheese(BDxC)


Active Member
I am a new grower and this is my first post, I need help/advice for these 2. They both started from seed are both in 6 inch pots with ffof soil, today the AK48 is a month old and the Blue Dreams x Cheese(BDxC) is 7 days from a month.they are in a closet 4ft by 2ft by 5ft high. Right now They are under 7 23 watt cfls (100 equivalent) lights on 24 hours and the temps are between 73-80 F. they are both showing different problems and the younger one (BDxC) is actually the larger of the 2. The ph is 6.4.

They both have different problems the AK48 has purple stems, pale green / yellow leaves, burn towards the center vein on the leaves, I know it may be nutrient burn because I added a little bit of General Hydroponics grow less than 1/4 strength worth only once though, the rest has just been phd water that i let sit outside 24 hours.

The BDxC started off doing very well but has recently slowed down in growing and for about a week now they have just looked limp, weak, lifeless, and just overall droopy.



Any help is needed i have looked all over the web and determined it can be mutiple problems/fixes, Please only post if you really know that the advice that your giving is good advice. I just want these ladies to be able to make babies so we can go from there. Thanks in advance, if you need any additional info let me know.
Plant on the right (first photo) seems to be over-watered, she should perk up soon. Plant on the left (yellowish plant) looks as mine did when it was hungry ... but don't listen to me i'm no expert.


Active Member
What are the hanging pop cans for? Never seen that one lol.

lol you like that? they are little makeshift hoods to reflect the light back down, works pretty well.

update I gave the BDxC a very light feeding and it perked up a little so I doubt it was over watering but does that mean that I need to add more nutes, I read somewhere that Foxfarms Ocean Forest comes with enough nutes for about 3 weeks. My question is will they be droopy like that from no nutes or is the droopiness for another reason?


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are over watered. and hungry your soil will only feed for maybe 30 days if that. Ph your water every time you water so you dont lock anything out and let them DRY out b4 watering


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are over watered. and hungry your soil will only feed for maybe 30 days if that. Ph your water every time you water so you dont lock anything out and let them DRY out b4 watering
Pretty much sums things up.