HELP! Leaves turn yellow then died?

got a bit of a problem? Maybe?
plant (i think its a cross, outside, 8ft high, bud since 13Jan) leaved have gone from green to yellow-wilted to dead in 2 days! tri's are a tad white... is she ready or dying???

PS, hot part of Aust, has been raining for weeks then 35C days sunshine for 2-3 days
any feedbak will be greatly appreciated (first time grower) here's some pics too
Thanks :)



Active Member
dammnnn!!! thats a huge plant! there is unfortunately something wrong with it for sure... when plants finish, the fan leaves dont shrivel, they just turn yellow, no change in leaf shape or anything... the huge change in temp/RH levels could have led to watering stress ect...I am an indoor grower so unfortunately I cant help much but it kinda looks like heat stress. I love seeing big out door grows down south in the middle of my winter cause we never get to see that up here this time of year! Good luck!


Active Member
just did a C to F conversion and realized that 35 is about 10 deg C to hot for MJ. Most def heat stress, you want about 25 deg C for prime grow conditions... this shock can be much more detrimental to plants if it has been cool and rainy for a long time and then gets really hot out of the blue... Hope those temps come down or build a green house with a/c and get the temps down..the girls are cooking in that heat down there...hope it cools off


Active Member
Ya definitely chop them, hope it works out for you! might not be the best but youll yield a ton of those monsters!
Good Luck