Help! Light help


Well-Known Member
Hello, I'm new in these forums (first marijuana forum i've ever registered to). I was wondering if you guys could assist me with some knowledge (i'ma nub ;))

I have a closet set up, a basic reservior, etc. The only thing I don't have are those fluorescent lights >.<. I began germanizing the seeds lastnight. I have 5 in a cup of water and 5 others using the paper towel method. Well here goes my question =D!

If I don't have fluorescent lights, is a 400W MH Lamp ok? And how far away should I have this light from the little seedlings?

THANK YOU if you guys know or don't =)! I'll be back shortly to check (really appreciated)


Uses the Rollitup profile
Hey Man, welcome to the hobby! You're gonna love it!:blsmoke:

The 400w is a little much for small plants, but if that's all you have, then put it 3 feet (1 meter) above the plants. It's going to put out some heat that you will have to exhaust. If you can't take care of the heat, then buy some flourescent shoplights.

hehehe germanizing seeds! You're gonna have German plants ! :hump:

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Sweet, I asked a coworker and he thought around the same.

Now that brings up another question tp mind. When they're very young (near no leaves), should I have a gentle fan breeze blowing? and how much ventilation is needed for seedlings >_>?

(sorry i'm a nub ;D)

THanks !!


Well-Known Member
yea thats right just alittle small breeze and when there stems get bigger get more breeze it will work them out and make them strong enough to be able to hold those bad ass buds your going to have:)

Peace Aces