help me hang my flourescent tubes (48")


New Member
Hey I need a way to get these 48" flourescent tubes to hang over the top colas of my buds. They are uvb tubes and absolutely necessary. I was tihnking of driving hooks into the ceiling 40" apart and hanging twine or metal wire to hold them up with loops at either end. any other ideas? I don't see why this wouldn't work. they are 40w flourescents so they probably get to be at least 200 F right?


Well-Known Member
im not very well versed in the art of tube lighting,
but as long as the wire can hold them and you set your distance just right, you've got no real problems that i can see


Well-Known Member
buy 2 yo yos they work great and hold weight
or small chain that way you can use the chain to set height
i like yoyos
they are normal fluro fittings yeah


Well-Known Member
well here's what I did a few times...

grab like 2 2x4's or 2 2x3's and frame in a box 2 vertical boards this is where each side of your light will be mounted then 2 going the other way to hold it square.. then find the middle of your frame and get hooks one on each end then hooks in the ceiling of your grow room and buy some small chain at walmart (mad cheap) that way you can raise and lower it without any trouble... very efective.. I hope you understand what i'm saying here...


New Member
thx guys, gonna pick up some cheap chain from wallmart and just hang em with it. Don't exactly have a mount, its like two caps for either end cconnected to a light unit.