Help Me im confused


Well-Known Member
Without knowing specifics about the problems you're having, just that they're a leading reason for switching, I would start with GH Flora Series 3-part. That would give you a good benchmark. It's relatively easy, with stable ph. In some ways, Flora 3-part sounds simple like a beginner's nutrient. But, in other ways it's aggressive, maxing out the plant's uptake with the useless schedule. It's a good way to learn what you should expect. I liked Flora 3-part because, as I tried other things and had problems it was comforting to know I could get back to a relatively simple, "by the book" regimen.

After a grow or two, you could eliminate the "Grow" bottle and try the Lucas formula for simplicity. (I didn't like mixing all 3 bottles to all those ratios "useless" uses.).

You could eventually try organic. The quality/taste of smoke is very different. I've read the prepared organic nutrients don't produce as much as real DIY organic. If you're cash cropping, yield may be a factor.

You don't have put all your eggs in one basket. You can buy 1.5lb quantities of the three Grow More products for $18 (+ shipping):

You could feed a plant this while doing Flora 3-part on the others. You'd have enough Sea Grow for about 40 plants. Inexpensive way to try a dry (simple) and organic'ish nutrient.

Here's a photosensitive I'm growing with Sea Grow. It's 3-3.5 weeks into flower:


Here's an autoflower I'll harvest in 3-5 days:

IMG_20140829_125027.jpg IMG_20140829_124939.jpg

I.e., it works pretty well and you can get into it for relatively cheap. You might try it along with something else.


Well-Known Member
another one i was looking into was Jacks classic All purpose + Jacks Classic Blossom Booster and then simply mix some GH products in between for a full scale line up. i'm not sure what i'll be using next grow but it isn't going to be advanced nutrients i can tell you that. even at 1/2 strength nutes i feel like im doing more harm than good sometimes. i just dont like seeing yellow and curling on my plants.

This is what im currently dealing with:



Well-Known Member
Without knowing specifics about the problems you're having, just that they're a leading reason for switching, I would start with GH Flora Series 3-part. That would give you a good benchmark. It's relatively easy, with stable ph. In some ways, Flora 3-part sounds simple like a beginner's nutrient. But, in other ways it's aggressive, maxing out the plant's uptake with the useless schedule. It's a good way to learn what you should expect. I liked Flora 3-part because, as I tried other things and had problems it was comforting to know I could get back to a relatively simple, "by the book" regimen.


the bottom leaves that get little light pen turned like a white-ish and just fall off and some big fan leaves yellowing like the one above and the rest is green except for some light spotting and leaves curling. its very odd that only this plant seems to be affected since all 5 are on same nute line up same regimen.


Well-Known Member
If you can't attribute the curling to heat stress, I'd think mg def. I've seen leaves expose their undersides, even roll over prior to showing traditional mg yellowing. (I read somewhere it's related.).

Any chance your soil ph is too low? Almost looks like different deficiencies, which might be lockout. (Tap or RO filtered water? Any possibility of too high ppm to start, or chlorine?).

Based upon what sounds like your primary motivation (uncertainty what's causing them, and I doubt it's AN-specific, although I'm not a fan of high-priced nutes), I suggest you just do GH Flora Series 3-part in the manner I've described above. I think you'll have more control over the nutrients, the product's ph buffering will help hold your medium stable, and an established schedule will let you push them to the limit without guesswork.


Well-Known Member
If you can't attribute the curling to heat stress, I'd think mg def. I've seen leaves expose their undersides, even roll over prior to showing traditional mg yellowing. (I read somewhere it's related.).

Any chance your soil ph is too low? Almost looks like different deficiencies, which might be lockout. (Tap or RO filtered water? Any possibility of too high ppm to start, or chlorine?).

Based upon what sounds like your primary motivation (uncertainty what's causing them, and I doubt it's AN-specific, although I'm not a fan of high-priced nutes), I suggest you just do GH Flora Series 3-part in the manner I've described above. I think you'll have more control over the nutrients, the product's ph buffering will help hold your medium stable, and an established schedule will let you push them to the limit without guesswork.

Sound advice. My main reason for switching is im not getting results worth my money if that makes sense. people on Flora nova get the same results as me on AN at half the price if not less. also AN has a lot of haters and they stand on good grounds and points.

never the less my plants will pull through and they will persevere !! i will be smoking on atleast a half pound of ak-49 by christmas time, rest assured.


Well-Known Member
If you can't attribute the curling to heat stress, I'd think mg def. I've seen leaves expose their undersides, even roll over prior to showing traditional mg yellowing. (I read somewhere it's related.).

Any chance your soil ph is too low? Almost looks like different deficiencies, which might be lockout. (Tap or RO filtered water? Any possibility of too high ppm to start, or chlorine?).

Based upon what sounds like your primary motivation (uncertainty what's causing them, and I doubt it's AN-specific, although I'm not a fan of high-priced nutes), I suggest you just do GH Flora Series 3-part in the manner I've described above. I think you'll have more control over the nutrients, the product's ph buffering will help hold your medium stable, and an established schedule will let you push them to the limit without guesswork.
Also Yes i use tap water, but i leave it exposed for 3 days to kill the chlorine then recap then i adjust the ph to 5.5-6 using a ph kit by GH, and i have a digital ph meter to test runoff to check for the ph after it goes thru the soil and drains out. it never goes over 6.5.

i think the problem lies else where. we will know when the clones root and i start my hydro grow what the problem is because there regimen is going to be different to account for issues. I'm not a complete newb, but i also don't know shit at the same time if that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
I fed with a PK booster today we will see the results in roughly an hour when i turn the lights back on. i used a flashlight held by my mouth while taking clones today because i turned the light off an hour before i took my cuttings simply because i had a thread on here asking if it would be better to take cuttings before or after introducing the pk booster. i decided to go with take cuttings then introduce. we'll see what my root % / rate is. this is my first time taking cuttings for clones in my 4 years of growing.


Well-Known Member
Also Yes i use tap water, but i leave it exposed for 3 days to kill the chlorine.
I've read cities use chloramine which doesn't aerate away. Also, what is the TDS (ppm) of your tap water? I think chloramine will cause unsatisfactory results, as will high-ppm water.

i have a digital ph meter to test runoff to check for the ph after it goes thru the soil and drains out. it never goes over 6.5.
I'd be concerned how low it goes. But, it sounds like you know what you're doing. Hard to understand why AN didn't work for you. I haven't used it (and wouldn't, because of the price). But, seems like those who do like it.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea. but i've been growing with tap water for 4 years and this is the first time i've had a problem. i will post updates as they get older and mature into flowering feel free to follow me. the first 4 clones that root are going to a 5 gallon bucket DWC system consisting of 4 buckets with a dual diaphragm pump and hydroton as medium, after i run out of soil im switching strictly to hydroponics for awhile with floranova or whatever i decide to use.


Well-Known Member

Any other suggestions on nutrient line / anything they've used and would highly recommend?

i haven't made a solid decision on what i'll be changing to at the end of this grow.
I've used the gh maxi series (dry nutes) quite successfully for the past 6 grows and from my experience they do very well using both but from what I've seen you rly only need the maxibloom do a lil research into maxibloom Lucas formula it gets pretty close to bein on the money at 7 grams/gal
I've used water straight from tap no filter with maxibloom,cal mag, and add in some dry koolbloom during flower and you won't be disappointed
It'll save you quite a bit mixing your own and you can control exactly how much your giving without havin to dilute or add extra the only problem I've seen which is actually more of an inconvenience is it takes quite a while to dissolve completely An if not completely dissolved will fuck your world up by leaving a lot of buildup usually mix up a new jug the day before feeding to allow time for it to dissolve but for me I've not rly even contemplated switchin at this point so there's my voice hope it helped


New Member
Hey guys, sorry if this is not the correct forum I'm posting in. I have a concern with my dwc setup before I begin, here's the situation I know black buckets are the way to go, I have square buckets I'm using, they were originally white in color, I have since painted the outside of buckets black. So I did a little test, took a flashlight and shined against bucket to see how much light would get through, original white bucket did not stop any light almost, the buckets I painted stopped atleast 80% of the light compared to white bucket. But I did the same to a round bucket that was black originally, I did not paint, and absolutely no light penetrated. Should I be okay with the buckets I painted? I was concerned about painting inside of bucket and did not know if I should or not. Or should I give up on my square bucket idea and use round buckets originally black? There is going to be plenty of circulation and water movement


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine has been using square 4 gal buckets that came from a diner it was originally white and stopped almost no light at all so he painted the outside glossy white thinkin it would reflect more light and stop light penetration but it didn't stop enuf so e came up with a good idea of styrofoam
All u need is a sheet of styrofoam big enuf to cover all 4 sides of bucket glue, tape whatever u wanna do to get em to tick and it also works somewhat like a cooler to keep res temps down where u want them to be in sml cab grows
Hope this helps good luck guy


New Member
Yes I have quite a bit of extra Mylar filming I was going to wrap the buckets in. I've spent too much time painting and recoating these 20 buckets to give up on them now. Thanks a lot


Well-Known Member
What I've done recently is cut a hole in bottom of cabinet big enuf for my bucket to fit down in without falling thru so I have no worries of light penetrating thru to roots and gives me a lil extra height for my girl but I also know not everyone's grow room/cabinet or whatever is not capable of cutting a hole out of the bottom to do this but it worked for me


Well-Known Member
for my soil grow im using 5 gallon nursery pots and for my hydro grow im using 5 gallon buckets with a DIY method for DWC with a 4 outlet dual diaphragm pump. the nursery pots came with drainage holes i simply use 12" drip trays by hydrofarm for runoff. they work pretty good. my girls are 61 days old. 11 days into flowering. looking awesome. they have recovered pretty well from the over fert and are taking to the flowering nutrients rather well. im excited about the next grow. i think im gonna save 5 jack herer seeds and do 5 - 20 gallon totes, with 3 airstones in each leading up to a 15 outlet pump been looking at a 200w pump, i think it would work well. i haven't decided yet. i'm definitely going to be switching fully to hydro excluding the 2 mother plants i am starting in 20 gallon smart pots.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good to me brother!
Hope everything grows well for ya guy what kinda light setup u gonna go with?
What nutes did u end up deciding on if u get a chance to experiment with a cpl girls buy u a bag of gh maxibloom 2.2lb dry nutes and I promise u won't be disappointed at only $14 a bag and u will be amazed at how far a 2.2lb bag will go I currently have 2 outdoor girls and 1 indoor opened my new bag at start of season been feeding all 3 1tsp per/gal every feeding since they were old enuf for full strength nutes an haven't even came close to using 1/4 bag yet if I keep at least 2 girls goin all year(as I have in past) I barely use a lil over bag and a half a year if that much! That's less than $21 worth of primary nutes a year!! Worth checking into IMO

Edit: works very well in dwc as well but remember make sure it completely dissolves or will give u headaches but it's easier to dissolve in larger quantities of water good luck pal!