Help me pleaseeeee


Well-Known Member
I am at 2 week's exactly into flowering I only have one plant left all the other's decided they wanted to be hermi's and males but anyway I have Flora-Nova Bloom food I use to feed but is there any other stuff out there that will make my plant stronger, grow faster, better yield? I apreciate the help
A bumper yield is mainly due to the quality of the grow from start to finish. There are no magic potions. Smile.

Lighting is a big deal. The more evenly distributed light the better.
You can bump your yield with CO2 - up to 20% more weight than without it.
Monitor your nutrients, water, temps, humidity etc.
Most of all patience.

That should do it!! Smile.


Well-Known Member
yes there is kitty I heard there is like vitamins that come in like powder I heard there is alot of stuff you can get at your local hydro store I just dont know what