Help me save her!


Active Member
Basically, she was having a lot of problems that were due, as far as I can tell, to me using shitty bottled water. I've corrected that, so there are no more problems to the best of my knowledge.

However, you can see she's come off of it looking pretty bad. What should I do now?

The second picture is of the worst set of leaves. The fourth is of the best.

Should I keep going with her or just start over? Cut off the worst leaves? The new growth in the center is all dried out/dead (crumbles between fingers) so maybe a premature topping? Other suggestions?

Please post whatever you think.


Active Member
Yea, I got all that under control. She is no longer in peril, but there is a lot of damage.

I need to know if there is a way that I can counteract any of that damage. (cutting off leaves, topping, etc)


Well-Known Member
once a leaf has no chance of surviving I cut it to allow for the plat to move on and concentrate growth elsewhere after healing. I have had good success with this. But you can also go read FAQ section on this

good luck~


Active Member
Thanks pj.

I cut off the really bad looking set of leaves and am still debating on whether or not to top her. I think i'm leaning towards doing it unless something on here convinces me otherwise.

I Love Marijuana

Active Member
This looks like a classic case of over nutrienting your plant.
My advice would be to remove the plant from the soil and pot its in, Then spray the roots with a misting gun, repot and use plain tap water to feed it for 2-3 week . if you have over nuted your plant you could buy some Hydrogen peroxide (H2o2) mix it 30mil to a galon and flush once with that. which should help the plant break down any excess nutes..

Hope This Helps


Well-Known Member
looks good....everything is going to be ok.......i would get another clone or seedling underway.have a backup