HELP ME SAVE MY FIRST CROP. this girl needs to learn to GROW

so i bought 11 clones. 4 perma frost 4 blue rhino and 3 cheese quakes.
the 4 perma and 4 rhinos are all females but my bf accidently got the cheese quakes and they are boys!!


i have a few questions since its my first grow. i have a 2ft 8 tube envirogro low energy horticurltural lighting that gets up to 16,000 lumens.

i have the general organics liquid food mixture for roots flowering and plant food.


i have them in half of my closet in my apartment which is roughly 2 ft by 5 ft long.
i have it lined with the white reflective paper.

all my plants are lil like they are just starting to show their sexes. which is how i found out i have 3 boys.

also the 3 boys are the tallest. anyways.
i have the light about 18in away from the rhinos and permas since they are shortest and 14 or 15in away from the tall boys.
but the boys leaves last 2 days have been looking like they are drying up? turning brown and like curling up and down...
the people we got them from had obviousl trimmed off some of the leaves before on them. ALSO the stems are kinna reddish??

i want all my plants to be healthy and i wanna make sure they make it. but i cant tell if they are just boys or herms.

ive only had them since the 12. and i fed them today. its the 2nd time i fed them. ALSO i just poked holes in the red dixie cups?
is that bad? its just there werent any in them at first and then the plants looked like tht is why they were dying because the soil was wet but the plants were drying gonna post a bunch of pics! i wanna learn as much as possible im legal for a year and im growing for me my bf ANND my mother!

PLEASE HELP ME. like what else should i buy and what do i need? i have a fan in there already so im not worried about air movement. and i mean i dont know the exacttemp but im guessing its around 70-72.

i dont know what im doing andd honestly this is a couple hundred i invested in my closet so i would like to try my best to not have them die.
heelp me grow the best bud i can!




Active Member
You should really take the time to do a little reading, there is so much to learn and one person here is not going to give you all the information you need. Start by reading through some of the sticky threads on this forum. Also, your attachments aren't working so I can't see your pictures, but I would be raising hell if someone sold me 1 male clone, let alone 3.


Well-Known Member
Need to see the pics..sexually maturing plants in too small a container. Drainage is a gotta have so holes are good. Are the males showing balls?
You should really take the time to do a little reading, there is so much to learn and one person here is not going to give you all the information you need. Start by reading through some of the sticky threads on this forum. Also, your attachments aren't working so I can't see your pictures, but I would be raising hell if someone sold me 1 male clone, let alone 3.

i think i got the pictures to work! and i know my bf is the one who got them i told him to make sure to get females but i guess he didnt know the difference yet. I have done some research but i cant quite put my finger on whats wrong. i feel like they might be herms because i see tiny hairs but they also are growing pollen sacks!

i jus been doing what he told me cause his are pretty big but it doesnt explain why the 3 cheese quakes seem to be dying :/ i dont want him to get mad at me for wasting the money on em even tho he picked the boys -.-, if they ARE herms, is there any point in even keeping them do they produce bud at all or just pollen sacks??


do you think they have a chance at surviving?


Well-Known Member
Why are you even keeping the males? The others look good but need transplanting soon. 3 gallon pots at least. Get lots of light, whatever type you choose, on them ASAP. Get some fans moving. Don't send your boyfriend for clones. Don't use any nutrients until you have transplanted and waited a few days at least.
Why are you even keeping the males? The others look good but need transplanting soon. 3 gallon pots at least. Get lots of light, whatever type you choose, on them ASAP. Get some fans moving. Don't send your boyfriend for clones. Don't use any nutrients until you have transplanted and waited a few days at least.
yaaa i know i shouldnt have sent him to get em -.-, idk why i just ASSUMED he would get the right ones cause of the fact he got his and they are already pretty big.
what should i do with them?? if they turn herm is there any point in keepin em still?? i jus wanna know what to tell him cause hes gonna get mad we wasted the money -.-,

but umm ya the other ones look really good and i have a fan on em and i have my light about 17 in above em cause the other ones. and i know i need to do something about the fuck cheese quakes...

soo just water the rest of em for now like before and jus skip feeding until i get em in biger one?

i watched a dvd i borrowed from a friend but i had to give it back and only got a couple notes from it.
go to youtube and look up Jorge Cervantes and watch all that you can. he's the grow guru.

I SAW THAT VIDEO! i just needed to finish it but i had to give it back it looked very informative.
i wanna watch both videos.

so ditch the cheesequakes?
even if they are herms


Well-Known Member
yaaa i know i shouldnt have sent him to get em -.-, idk why i just ASSUMED he would get the right ones cause of the fact he got his and they are already pretty big.
what should i do with them?? if they turn herm is there any point in keepin em still?? i jus wanna know what to tell him cause hes gonna get mad we wasted the money -.-,

but umm ya the other ones look really good and i have a fan on em and i have my light about 17 in above em cause the other ones. and i know i need to do something about the fuck cheese quakes...

soo just water the rest of em for now like before and jus skip feeding until i get em in biger one?

i watched a dvd i borrowed from a friend but i had to give it back and only got a couple notes from it.
Toss the males unless you want seed and lots of it. Or raise the males in another house for whatever reason. Water now but transplant ASAP. Easy on the water in those cups.

Look here, young lady. Tell Moebius I sent you. Make this cheap and easy. Never look at an empty 2 liter soda bottle the same again.


Well-Known Member
Yes transplant..Get a close up of these "balls" you see (plants not BF). Never seen selling male clones.

John Jacob

Active Member
^^ what hotrod said, also if you paid for those clones get your money back because the only way those males or hermi's where clones then the guy you bought them from whole setup is F'd with males and hermis sounds like he threw a couple of seeds in there and said they where clones.. on the other hand some strains are very touchy and the smallest amount of stress can turn them hermi and this being your first grow your inevitably going to stress them out thats why many ppl will use free bagseed but whats done is done.

-Get them into bigger pots, read up on transplanting
-They look like they're stretching as well bring the lights down as close as you can to the tops and the rule is if you can put your hand on top of the plant and you dont feel heat your good to go just remember they will grow up into the light so you need to adjust the height of the light accordingly
- dont feed until youve transplanted and start at a low 1/4 strength solution and work your way to full strength
-your watering cycle should be feed..water..water..feed..
-only water them when the soil has become noticeably lighter in weight and you should be able to stick your finger about a inch in the soil and be completely dry before watering again.

keep reading and good luck, take out all males from the room immediately!

these are the cheese quakes. i tried to get as close up as i can. can you tell if the balls i am seein ARE in fact pollen sacks? or if they are herms? and even if they are male or hermaphroditess, are they worth keeping and transplanting? or should i only keep one and keep it isolated from the females?? the others are obviously female but im a tad bit confused as to what these to are.
Yes transplant..Get a close up of these "balls" you see (plants not BF). Never seen selling male clones.
i posted 2 pics as close up as i can get to the suspected MALES.

are these their balls?
or are they herms?

or am i just a retard.
im sure they are males tho
^^ what hotrod said, also if you paid for those clones get your money back because the only way those males or hermi's where clones then the guy you bought them from whole setup is F'd with males and hermis sounds like he threw a couple of seeds in there and said they where clones.. on the other hand some strains are very touchy and the smallest amount of stress can turn them hermi and this being your first grow your inevitably going to stress them out thats why many ppl will use free bagseed but whats done is done.

-Get them into bigger pots, read up on transplanting
-They look like they're stretching as well bring the lights down as close as you can to the tops and the rule is if you can put your hand on top of the plant and you dont feel heat your good to go just remember they will grow up into the light so you need to adjust the height of the light accordingly
- dont feed until youve transplanted and start at a low 1/4 strength solution and work your way to full strength
-your watering cycle should be feed..water..water..feed..
-only water them when the soil has become noticeably lighter in weight and you should be able to stick your finger about a inch in the soil and be completely dry before watering again.

keep reading and good luck, take out all males from the room immediately!

i have the light about 17in above them because the 3 cheese quakes are so tall and the light is at a slant i dont wanna bring it down more and dry out the tall ones until i know forsure what im going to do about them.
i have them on the w w f schedule right now. and i know i do need to transplant them.


im gonna be taking some pics of his 6 plants of the master kush and his cheese quake.
i need a professional opnion didnt pay to much attention to his plants. and i think he
has a nat infestation?

im not sure what they are.
but he has a ton of bugs throughout his plants and they are like FULL of buds. he never paid attention to the soil
and didnt make sure to keep it loose. he just recently has moved the soil around and it was packed down.
i wanna make sure that I ATLEAST learn from the mistakes he has made.

has anyone ever put catnip or lavender in their pots to prevent bugs?


Well-Known Member
i think i got the pictures to work! and i know my bf is the one who got them i told him to make sure to get females but i guess he didnt know the difference yet. I have done some research but i cant quite put my finger on whats wrong. i feel like they might be herms because i see tiny hairs but they also are growing pollen sacks!

i jus been doing what he told me cause his are pretty big but it doesnt explain why the 3 cheese quakes seem to be dying :/ i dont want him to get mad at me for wasting the money on em even tho he picked the boys -.-, if they ARE herms, is there any point in even keeping them do they produce bud at all or just pollen sacks??


do you think they have a chance at surviving?
Sorry, I don't mean to troll, but that is funny the way you said your BF didn't know the diff between females :)
Those cups and things are probably making your plants feel like Cinderella.
Sorry, I don't mean to troll, but that is funny the way you said your BF didn't know the diff between females :)
Those cups and things are probably making your plants feel like Cinderella.

LOLOL no ur fine -.-,
and i know he just is more of the smoker i guess than the genius? im the one thts pretty much gonna have to do everything. he puts all the money into it and i have to maintain and make sure it works ass well as he hoped cause its for the both of us ya know. but did you look at the pictures?? are they males you think?
i just wanted to get a professional opniion because he obviously doesnt know as much as he tried to lead me on that he ddid
i just decided to toss em. I KNOW they are males. i looked at them and i have seen a real one finally so now i know lol were not gonna get our money back but were gonna let em knw and then jus focus on the 8 i have left
they are very nice. i am going to do the 2 liter pots in a couple days

match box

Well-Known Member
It looks like you got all the info you needed. I am on my second grow and sexing is hard cus you want them to all be fem. After they are in new pots you can pinch the tops to make them bush out a little. Good luck