Help me start my perpetual garden


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I then wondered if they get wet how do they stay dormant until next season if it snows or gets too cold. I thought once a bean gets wet it gets going and once it wasnt able to its dead tissue.
I frequently wait until I see a volunteer or two before chopping. So as soon as they fall they can sprout.


Well-Known Member

Was checking out this thread, dont want to necro or hijack it.

@Thundercat Is there any reason half of my clones are struggling to find white hairs whereas my other half of garden looks like it has couple weeks to go?

Same clones but two are in a mildly scrogged 2.5x5 and the rest are 2x4 and 2x2 so theyre taller/bushier have a darker larf area.

The larger tent is visually better lit in that area and am struggling to find signs of growth. Mother ran for 11 wks had even better lighting in larf area.

They just completed 9 weeks tomorrow. Its a top-down ripening type plant, its just waiting on larf area right now.

Is it normal to be off like this? Would you just harvest whatevers ready or wait for the rest? Its a stretch to say the rest will be done in two weeks from now.

Any thoughts appreciated you surely have the experience worth listening to.


Well-Known Member
As for details my lated couple pages has all the details if you just scan through the photos and some of the texts in it. Flipped all at the same time.



Well-Known Member
I was last told they should finish at the same time no if and or buts, but they just arent exactly the same. Some of the plants didnt produce smells terpenes etc as fast as the rest, actually, same plants are part of the ones not finishing as fast.

I kinda figured it can express different things even as the same plant. Like cloning a human and putting them in adverse enviorments. Idk lol.


Well-Known Member
The 2x4. As I look at them yea maybe two weeks but if not I feel like I could adjust somthing like just harvest when ready. I originally wanted to harvest all in one.



Well-Known Member
Inevitably the two tents have slightly different environments. Different lighting, temps, humidity, airflow, feeding will all change how the plant performs.

I strongly discourage anyone from harvesting plants any earlier than when they are absolutely finished. Early harvesting is the biggest mistake I see growers making.


Well-Known Member
These pictures were all of larf that I would have removed from the plant at the beginning of flower to allow the plant so focus on upper growth.

I don’t see any colas even in the background of the pictures.

Personally I wouldn’t be trying to grow such bushy plants like that in such a small place with such low lighting.


Well-Known Member
edit need to delete, its early struggling to not ramble. It was just rambling. In short Il just keep seeing how I can improve. Each run will teach me more.
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Well-Known Member
Yea it was like 6am I wasnt there yet needed all day thinking about it. So basically just harvest the ready tents and the smaller ones work on making smaller plants so they perhaps finish about the same time.

You wouldnt be bent on making them line up perfectly? Just keep working the tents and take clones at an increasingly more suitable time?

It would be cool if they just so happen to finish together but I posted because it just didnt seem likely.

So when I check big tent I struggle to find new growth the easiest to spot was what I showed and its already ripening up.

Perhaps I can harvest end of next week and cut all the super ripe tops off the 2x2’s which theres plenty, allow for the rest to quickly ripe now in optimal conditions..

Then try to make better 2x2 canopies to allow for the growth I got for the bigger tent. Something went very well to of finish in 10 weeks vs 12 or 13. Being perpetual I could just “keep it moving” but I agree its worth the wait.

I waited till all ripe on the mom plant and had no feelings of regret like I did anything wrong. Only had that happen with two plants. Almost 4 as these two are truely there already.


Well-Known Member
I can wait it out for the smaller tents but yea you called it the parts Im waiting on are just too dim enviorment to swell and quickly. This is about to take 1-2 weeks longer than the mom which wasnt forseen.

I was going to add side lighting in case it over packs next time, already have my next clones I may as well flip that are same size. Its the run after that that will improve by flipping earlier. Or will just prune and scrog denser.

I could try to get there faster just wrapping it up at some point soon, and the next round just test if it causes nanners to keep that area shaved.

I noticed now on few grows that those areas will try to grow larf a couple or few times during the grow. If Im just making hash and getting the most larf I could I wouldnt be upset.

My goals were 3-4oz per 2x2 plant. Was reading if it were one grow to squeeze out the rest but if perpetual you can “keep it moving” suffer minimal loss and just correct asap.

See those my thoughts I couldnt say all this at 6am and still barely can. Its turning out to be tricky and need to decide.
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