Help! Mites on my buds

I didn't realize but if he put a decent size fan directly on them should be good? what happens outdoors?

To me thats kind of a trade off... you may slow the mites down but now you maybe possibly have to deal with wind burn.. He's only a week away from pull down so i dont see a big point in trying to deal with them as aggressively as a fan directly on them 24/7.
And wait a day or two then do a nice rinse with water. Atomist or a new paint sprayer is a must on the ol xmas list.
Something with a little pressure behind it, hell even a garden hose sprayer. Anything to wash the dead shit off because if you hit them they will die with mighty wash
I was thinking they also made a power wash but that maybe was a pm thing , not sure.
back on topic, yeah patron is for the peasants but I had to take a second job to upgrade to don julio.
Fuck those spider mites up. go to home depot , get the baddest airless sprayer they have, get a gallon of mighty wash and fuck those mite up!
I'm in the process of Washing the leaves with neem and dish soap. Then I might just pull them
Mighty wash and then pure water or a washing product if they make one, then pure water.
You could also use flying skull nuke em and then rinse a couple days after. Flying skull is a natural fungicide too I believe, potassium sorbate inert and citric acid as active ingredient .
I assume the potassium sorbate is the fungicide since it's a food preservative.