help mushies!!!!!


Ok hello guys I am currently growing the Cambodian strain ,about 8 half pint jars they just got fully colonized here a bouta week ago AMD the first one we took out (some where taken out a couple days after the first one) well this one has this bluish mold looking thing on top I'm not sire what it is should I take it out?? I'm new at this sorry ill post pics later bit I can't now because I am not at home but can someone please help me out should I be worries or is this normal? Thanks


Well-Known Member
If it's mold I would toss it. But blue is probably bruising instead of mold. Take out a q-tip and rub the spot, if it doesn't get all over the q-tip you just have bruising and have nothing to worry about. The mold can make you sick though.


Undercover Mod
Easiest way to tell for me is smell. Usually anything not white is mold. Smell a jar that is not moldy then smell that one. you'll notice the difference loll


Dam thanks I have them all in an aquarium so ima just take it out and put it by itself thank you all I will provably post pics later after I toke again appreciate it


okay like I said I would post a pic pls help me on this i dont want to waste these :/

thanksbleh.jpgdudu.jpg you can copy the image to the desktop to zoom in on it alot sorry


Well-Known Member
cakes are really prone to bruising, so if it's truly blue, and doesn't smell like anything other than mushrooms,

you're good


Active Member
cakes are really prone to bruising, so if it's truly blue, and doesn't smell like anything other than mushrooms,

you're good
I agree... if you haven't yet had a flush the mycellium is still strong. Because it has a hold over the whole substrate it is highly unlikely that a foreign spore would be able to germinate on your cake. When you get into dunking and going for 2nd and 3rd flushes when the mycellium weakens is when you going to want to watch for contams.

Just an added note. In my experience contams are most likely to strike at two different times.

The first being while your jars are colonizing
I've found it helpful to have a jar that you fill with sterilized grain but do not inoculate and use it as a control. If the control jar contams you know that either your grain was not properly sterilized or you have contaminated spores whether you collect them yourself or buy syringes. (Collect them yourself!! It's easier then you think and once you do that you litteraly are totally self sufficient and have to spend very little money to keep things running)

The second being 3rd and 4th flushes once things weaken.

Not much you can do about this but toss em.
