HELP! my baby is dying


First of all ,sorry for jumping in on northwoods thread ,I am new to the sight and could not find the new thread starter besides being desperate because I am losing my once healthy female . I can only guess what happened is because of changing my lighting to 100% flourescent where I had been using a mix match of regular light bulbs mixed with some economizer bulbs . I changed to 3 what I call pigtails flourescents that suppoesdly put out 100 watts each .I know my problem is I have no budget and I also live in mexico so availability to grow products is severly limited. I am using a washing machine housing wich is about 2x2 floor space and the lights are within 2 ft. of the farthest part of the plant .I have a small fan moving the air inside the container and another one sucking the air out. When I finally was able to afford the flo. bulbs recently my plant had almost one month on12on 12 off and was starting to bud nicely but since I changed the bulbs all the leaves starting from the bottom up are wilting ,yellowing and dying and the stalks look really yellow as well. I am even more screwed because I cannot find any root stimulator in order to get some clones started before the whole plant dies . what can I do? It looks like there may be some new growth so maybe she will recover but with almost no leaves it does not seem practical to continue with 12 on 12off. should I go back to 24 on and hope for the best, change back to the incandescent , mix the bulbs ????????????this sux bigtime because I have over 4 months invested in this one plant and am just now popping some new seeds. I am screwed!!

Illegal Smile

Use all the light you can, I doubt light is the problem. How hot does it get in there? Something, either food or water or heat has gone wrong. It can be saved you just need to go to basics and check off everything it needs and see if you have it.


Well-Known Member
check out your pH level in the water you are using
it could be possible that its gotten a lil more acidic or basic and you plant doesnt like it