Help! My First Indoor DWC Grow 1 of 3 Going Down


Well-Known Member
Hi Guys..

I have Been trying to germinate my White Runtz with no Success. However, I have started my Dos Si Dos #33 and I threw in 2 Bag of Seeds

My Bag was Mid-Lime and in this area that which is common that it reminded me of was Green Crack so, I tried to bring it back and get some Nice Buds BUT!

today I looked and my only survivor of the Bag of Seed is dropping and the stem looks healthy...

Any Suggestions? I have been watering every 5 to 6 hours cause the Coco Coir Plugs are drying up quickly. The 2 on the Right are the Dos Si Dos #33

Edit... No Nutes... Just Tap Water 6.5 ph The Cotyldens are yellow and wilting with brown tips, yet there is some green on 1 leaf for nutes


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Oh No...No Dome. I have the 2000k (220 True watts) Blurple on them. at 26 inch
Make a dome even plastic cup or anything clear with some vent holes,mist inside and move lighting farther away.the humidity will keep it moist .

The 1 Bag ..Seed is now raised up....Thanks Myke....

Not Only started to grow and I see at least a 1/4 of an inch of growth with it and the Dos Si Dos #33 in the Back ..

If you look at the photos of Now and see a Great Difference

I put the Dome over the entire unit. The Tall Dos Si Dos has now Fallen...Plant Down Plant Down..Plant in

Something told me to just put it over the 1 you see..I stood it up on a wire and hopefully it recovers....

All in All..Thanks for the assistance.

So...Do you think I still need to place the Bag Seed in Water? Or has the problem been rectified?


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When u see roots coming out the bottom of your plugs then you can move them.There happy now,humidity is what they needed.Give it a few days.

The Tall one Died as well (it was stretching and had no root growth as I tried to transplant her to Rapid Rooters) as the Bag Seed. :sad:...The One Dos Si Dos Above that is on the Backside that was growing Slow, Is Thriving. She took off with the Dome Being placed on Top but Stopped. So...Luckily I had some Rapid Rooters on the Way that arrived. I thought this Coco pellets aren't doing well for me. I have never used it to germinate and start my trees. So, I gutted and transferred the remaining Dos Si Dos in the dark and placed her in the Rapid Rooter. Also, that's Day 2 of Week 1, not 9

She thanked me by opening back up and her True Leaves are fattening up. Not only that, 2 days in and the roots (5+) broke through the bottom. I also dropped 2 Blue Gelatos and 2 Jerry Berrys in hopes of more plants. They all Popped and taps over 1/4 inch, so I dropped them in the Rapid Rooters. One has broken surface (Blue Gelatos) The other has 1 root piercing the bottom.

Jerry Berry (1) hasn't done a thing since popping. The other one I thought was in the same state, so while in the dark I tweezered her up and pulled the shell off, YIKES!!!! BUT that's all that came up. It has a root at the Bottom piercing the Rapid Rooter! So, I covered it back up and apologized and say please continue to grow...LOL

Is the Dos Si Dos Ready for Nutes? She has shriveled one Cotyledon and the other is being chewed up as well. Her Roots are piercing through the bottom. or should I leave her for a couple of more days without Nutes?


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Also, I took the Big lights away because I ordered an 80 watt LED grow lights. And this is what has been on the Dos Si Dos for 3 days now.
Ya You don’t need much light for seedlings. I just use a t5 single bulb. 20” away kinda thing. Once you have a bunch of roots out the bottom they can get a little food. 200 ppm. Kinda thing.
Okay.. thanks...Now the other Blue Gelato is Popping looks like I have 3 so Far. I'm on my way to work....

Maybe I'll come home to another one breaking the surface
Just got home and transferred everyone to my DWC 4 site 3.5 G Bucket that arrived while I was gone...and SMH...I screwed up. I'll probably wake up to dead plants.

I set the PH and water level but forgot to put a couple of Hydroton on the bottom of the net cups. The Rapid Rooters was soaked for 5 minutes before I noticed the shine from them.

I squeezed them gently on the edges as to the roots shouldn't have gotten that far yet (I hope). I know. Stress and probably damaging the plants but better that than letting them stay soaked. DAM. Pray for me.
Okay Guys..I need some Help with information on the Rapid Rooters. My Blue Gelatos Are growing well. One a Day ahead of the other but Growing well. However, since transferring to the 4 Site Bucket...The Rapid Rooters stay wet. Is that okay? I was under the impression they are just supposed to be moist. I'm new to the DWC and I was under the impression the water level should be just below the net pot until the roots can reach out on their own?

So, I've had in the system for 3 days now and I'm constantly sponging the Rapid Rooters. Should I lower the water level? I have adjusted the level to 1.5 - 2 inches below the net pot and they are wet again...

Is the 4-inch Disc and 10-gallon air pump(max) too much for the 3.5-gallon bucket?

My main question is..

How wet is too wet for the seedlings? Here's a picture of their progress.. These are This morning Pics. They have grown a bit more. The Taller Girl True 2nd Set of True leaves and emerged, and the Shorter Girl has gotten a bit taller...I know this because I have Them standing again a metal stilt I made.


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It is 100% possible to drown them in this stage. I'm not a fan of those pellets. Makes life hard imo. If your roots are not in the water there is no point in having it there. Drop the water so things can dry out. Hand water a couple times a day
Okay...Thanks...I was reading some older threads after a google Search and directed me back here 2017 and Earlier topics (many found it to be okay as long as they are thriving, leave them be. Some strains enjoy it, and if the roots are growing, keep it going. If it ain't broke don't fix Are some of the suggestions. Stating that it encourages the roots to grow down, which they are growing on the taller one and even the shorter but the shorter has another 1-inch root growing from the side... lol. However, I took another 8 Cups out which dropped it another inch, taking it to 2.5 and I feel a speck every now and then from the palm of my hand.

Another thing I've noted, when I awake, they are soaked (at the past water level 1.5 inches below and the Lid not fitted to close to add another 1/2"). I sponge them dry then within 1.5 hours they have been soaked again. Yet, with this going on throughout the day and me only sponging them every 4 to 5 hours.

Another thing, I added a humidifier. My humidity without the humidifier is at 38-42% tops. I added the humidifier to increase the humidity and I let it go until it reaches 60%. I then lower the settings to maintain it 56 to 58%. I left tissues that were used to sponge the Rapid Rooter on top next to the seedlings. When I came home after 5 hours it was soaking wet.

I haven't closed my 47X57x72 Grow Tent because I haven't cut a 5 inch Circle into the front opening for my Air Condition Duct. Thought fall is coming, the temperatures are high in TX and though my AC is set to 74, it raises to 83 with the tent closed. So now I have 2 - 6-inch Vivisun Isolating fans, 1-6 inch Infinity Cloudline T6 and the S6 model (one for Intake and the other for out-take). With a 4-inch Inline Fan and Filter. The portable AC will keep the Temperatures at 75 for me. I just got the tools I needed to cut the hole and I may do it before my 2 Baseball games tomorrow (A baseball official little league - College).

From there I'll be spending the night with my fiance' and I won't be home until 12 tomorrow. I have the lights on a timer and the Cloudline can control the airflow and humidity.

I appreciate your Advice Failmore. I was very nervous because they are the remaining 5 seeds that took off. I'm glad I didn't have to make the decision on who to keep with my limited space.
RR or rockwoll needs to stay under your dome until you have a good bit of roots.Then harden them off slowly then into net pots.The plugs are full of roots then so over watering isnt an issue.Some put an inch of perlight in their dome so roots grow into that first.
my rapid rooters stay soaking wet all the time. i start my seeds in a small aeroponics unit. once the roots get to about 3 to 5" hanging out the bottom, then i transfer to the netpot.

what's up with that light? is it pure blue? they need a bit of red too, not just blue.