HELP!!! New grower plant problems


New Member
My plant is a month and a half old I started seeing it develop yellow tips and spots but it looks shredded I had mites previously so I sterilized new soil in oven but I feared I baked all the nutes out. I put new nutes in it when it was about 2 1/2 weeks old (Big mistake) of course nute burn happened but since the recovery 3weeks later it has developed different problems but its still growing although I can tell something is wrong. So with it being a month 1/2 old I put a 1/4 strength nute mixture it helped but plant still sick also the plant has a few red stems mostly on the damaged leaves



Well-Known Member
Considering all it's been through, that doesn't look that bad. Definitely small tho.
What soil mixture are you using? Perhaps you might be best to just feed it water for a few cycles?
In a lightly amended soil, you can go 6 weeks or more with NO added nutes at all.
Are the mites gone altogether?
You may be guilty of a common error, over treating it.
My advice, only water for a bit. Pay more attention to new growth, don't worry about old.
Good Luck!


New Member
When baking the soil at 175 for 30 minutes it kills all insect eggs and larvae so in good there but also when sterilizing the soil in the oven its common or easy to bake all the nutes out the soil and this is where I think my plant is suffering idk whether it has the right amount of nutes or to less of one I don't own a ph tester either. I do notice the tips of the leaves are light green but turning yellow


Well-Known Member
Which is a common sign of nute burn. You need some good microbes!
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Well-Known Member
Get a PH tester, and perhaps try some leaf polish. Neither is very pricey, and both can help tremendously. Neem oil doubles as a leaf polish and as an systemic insect repellant.

Good luck!


New Member
Hey I let her sit and soak up the sun for a couple days i haven't watered cause i wanted to give the soil a chance to dry out but her is the progression of the symptoms. I have notice the leaves are turning up and Browning and yellow spots toward the petioles and light green tips of the leaf I suspect NPK maybe cal

