help on pistil knowledge please


Well-Known Member
need all what padwan bro?? Not sure what u mean or what OP means like i said total newbie
OP just means original poster, or whoever started the thread. It's too early to tell the sex from the pics, so people are giving you a hard time. I actually kinda misread your question, so soil, lights, and shit is irrelevant here. It is good to know though for everything else. I first thought you were asking if they would give you a fat harvest, so I wanted to know those other details. I am a stoner though, lol.


Well-Known Member
Those two plants you have, would’ve loved some lst and a nice topping.
To early to tell but I’m leaning fem
Should start seeing sex really soon if it is auto


I topped 3 of them but think only 1 was done correctly as it kinda stands out with what the new growth shood look like. They do look healthy but i maybe should have treated them with nutes sooner its tough on a budget. They were bought as auto fems and just need to hope they are


Well-Known Member
You'll get nicer buds if you trim out some of that small undergrowth. We call those sucker branches, and they're well below where you could train your plant to have a nice even canopy.


Ive been trimming slightly mate just not sure if im cutting too much or too little ill give them a little cut from the bottom up tomorrow


Well-Known Member
you can leave them as is if your not sure what to do with them they will turn out good. Meanwhile you can read some stuff on the internet and get a grip about growing and start training them on your 2nd grow


thanks @steve870 this first 1 was always trial and error for an indoor grow and odour. Everything seems well so far just getting a bit anxious as its all for nothing if they turn out male


Well-Known Member
yeah their autos bro... supposed to be ready in 8 to 10 weeks from previous growers of the strain but ill wait untill their ready
Just a heads up.

I and many many many others have ordered seed to come to find out they are not what we bought.

Buy 10 photo seeds find one thats an auto.

Buy 10 auto find one thats a photo.

These things happen.


Well-Known Member
Also if that is indeed an auto be thankful its still vegging. Longer veg time means larger yield.

Not a bad thing at all.