Help please


Well-Known Member
My 11 day old seedling is turning brown at the tips of the the single blade leaves that come out after the baby leaves not sure what it is. Please help!
But the top leaves are fine so far


Well-Known Member
Its being grown in a PC box with three others under 59 total watts cfl, in sunshine mix 4 and this is the only one doing this.


Well-Known Member
Nutirent burn. Leech your soil and use a mild form of feeding. Also recalculate your feeding regimen and dilute it to reverse it.


Active Member
Seems like magnesium lockout,not really nutrient burn. Nutrient burn occurs mostly on tips of new leaves. What pH are you watering with? Lockout occurs above 7 usually. Please tell me you are not using tap water.


Well-Known Member
When I leech I use a product called Clearex there is another good one for leeching called final flush. And yes it is a flushing agent that has complex carbos in it.