Help please!

i am growing 5 blue cheese in a 1.2m sq tent with a 600w hps in coco

they seem to be growing really slowing!!!

im using canna coco nutes A and B

these plans are over 2 months old i know they should be much bigger but dont know why they are growing so slow!!?

the lights are on 24/7 and the temps are around 80f


Well-Known Member
That is odd, because the plants themselves look very healthy. I don't know the strain and I don't know your grow medium, so I can't offer any advice. But I didn't want you to see a whole bunch of views but few responses! Hopefully someone else will weigh in here!
to be fair i may have stressed them a couple of times, changing the lights, recently topped i need any other nutes other than the canna a and b?

thanks for the reply kryptonite


Active Member
Actually, it would give them some rest during night/dark cycles.
Plants grow and process in the dark too.
If anything, it might induce some stretching/growing.